Kazuna Fumiko 1

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A tiny voice was heard from afar by a short red-haired boy.

Said red head glanced over his shoulder, only to find an orange head girl running towards him in full speed. When she was about to engulf him in a hug, he immediately took a side step to the left, effectively dodging her deadly embrace.

The girl, barely keeping her balance, bent forward.

"What is it Aihara-san?" He quiried.

She simply glared." Sei-nii!! That was soo rude! I would have had my face erased if I had failed to keep my balance!"

"Dodging is only natural when you see a fast moving object hurdling towards you. Is it not?" He said with a in-a-matter-of-fact tone.

"But still........"

"*sigh* That aside, what is it that you need Aihara-san?"

"Sei-nii! Aihara-san is my papa! So call me Mii-chan!" She stomped her feet.

"No." Was his immediate reply.

"Why?! Aren't we friends?" She questioned.

"I prefer to keep things professional." He explained.

"Calling each other in nicknames is normal for friends, professional or not." She protested.

"I believe in what I was taught." He then crossed his arms."So what is it that you want?" He asked.

"Sei-nii you meanie!" She declared.

She took a piece of paper from her bag and rubbed it in his face, LITERALLY, earning a slightly surprised gasps from the other.

"There's a new crepe shop nearby, wanna go with me?" She beamed.

Taking hold of the flier, completly ignoring her rude action earlier, he began to scan it before contemplating for a while.

"I believe I don't have anything important to do as of the moment so, I accept."

"Hooray!!!" She cheered in joy.

"Miku, your acting like a kid." He stated and started to walk towards the direction of the crepe shop.

"Sei-nii! I'm only six! Of course I act like this, it's normal. Your the one whose not!" She pointed out.

"Hai, hai." He said, with a small smile attempting to surface from his usual stoic face, as he lead the way with a grinning Miku not far behind.


The Miku he met back when he was still a young lad was a lively, boisterous, and carefree girl that at first never failed to annoy the hell out of him, but as he managed to befriend her, he discovers that the girl who used to make his blood boil was actually a fragile, but caring and dependable, being that would easily crumble to pressure and violence.

As years passed by their friendship grew stonger that they where like inseparable siblings bound by the same blood, he as the calm and collected older brother and Miku, his total opposite, being the troublsome little sister.

Those times when he was like an overprotective brother were tiresome but enjoyable days filled with laughter, joy and peace that they almost seemed like fragments of a wonderful dream.....

.....or maybe they were a dream, a figment of his imagination created by his childish-self to have something to claim as a childhood back when he was forced by his father to learn how to be the perfect son... a perfect heir, because now he is facing a reality where his joyous childhood days and his once proclaimed little sister seemed to never exsist and the girl seated accross the table is just a familiar stranger whom he has yet to meet, get acquainted to and treat as a sibling and an addition to his family.

That was the cruel reality one Akashi Seijuurou is currently experiencing as he and his father ate dinner with the Kazunas and his once proclaimed sister.

As he began to sink deeper and deeper into his own train of thought his Uncle Yamato called out to him effectively bringing him back to reality.

"Seijuurou, your already in your second year in high school, am I right?"

"Yes I am Uncle." He said as their meal arrived.

"What school are you currently attending?"

"I am currently attending Rakuzan high in Kyoto."

"Hmm... what a pity then."

"Why so, Uncle?" He asked, clearly curious but not evident in his facial expresion and tone.

"Well, since we've decided to settle here in Japan. It is already a given for Miku and Nanami to continue their education here. So we decided that Nanami would attend your former middle school while Miku would join you in your chosen high school." He simply stated."Well that was what we originally planned but it would be a nuisance to travel back and fort from Tokyo to Kyoto."

Once hearing her father and mother's plan the once silent Nanami was about to voice out her protest but was shot down by glares from her parents.

"Excuse me but may I suggest we continue our conversation while enjoying our meal?" Surprisingly Miku decided to change the situation.

"Then let's eat!" Nanami exclaimed out of nowhere earning several stares from nearby tables and glares from her parents.

'Why only me?!' She sadly thought as they ate their meals in silence.

~Time skip~
(Seijuurou's POV)

After we ate our meals my father and the others converced some more about how business was going and how the economy was running. And honestly I got tierd of it, that's why I decided to excuse myself for some fresh air, saying I needed to visit the mens room, and headed straight for the restaurants balcony with the whole view of Tokyo.

It was nice with the slightly cool winter breeze hitting my face like a tender touch.

I glanced around me to see if there was anyone else at the balcony but seeing no one I released all the stress building up in me as I exhaled a sigh of relief in a form of a white puff of air, don't misunderstand I liked the presence of the Kazuna's it was warm and peaceful but with my father there I can feel the pressure his giving me about perfection and everything an Akashi should be.

While I was taking my time relaxing by the railings I heard foot steps walking towards me, so when I turned around I was shocked to see Auntie Fumiko.

"Seijuurou, dear, I have a favor to ask of you." She said with a sad smile.

That night before our families departed I caught Uncle Yamato staring at me with intense lifeless eyes as if begging me not to get involved in something.

To be continued...

So here's the first part of chapter 4, i didn't originally plan on having this chapter in two parts but... i guess i did it for a whim (insert evil laugh) XD

Please share with me your reactions about this chapter. Got any comments? Suggestions? Or violent reactions?

Expect the second part in a few days.


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