The Dinner

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               So here we were on our way to Tokyo to meet up and have dinner with the  Kazunas. I guess I should be thrilled but sadly, I'm not. I can't seem to shake off the feeling that something had happened and it's making me restless nonestop.

              Since father had accepted the invitation, as his son, It would be expected for me to attend. May it be against my will or not, but mostly the first. But unlike the other parties or dinners my father had dragged me to, I would be glad to attend this one.

               It's been a couple of years since I've last seen them; and the atmosphere back then was not one to behold. But now that they had returned, I can't deny the fact that I am looking forward on seeing how they are today. I hope everythings back to normal and I can tell that my father was feeling the same way.

                 This car ride was total agony, why you ask? Well for starters, we're currently stuck in traffic. Oh how I hate traffic and it's never ending reign in streets and roads. Second, was the car's atmosphere, seriously, if I wasn't used to this I wouldn't even be surprised if I suddenly lost my sanity or something. And third was the honking of the other cars' horns, it just makes you want to stick your head out the window and yell 'stop honking your horns you insolent baboons!' But that would be indignifying.

                 Even though this trip was starting to get on my nerves, in order to calm down, I continuously reminded myself that the dinner we were about to attend is one that I must not miss. All I had to do now was to remain patient and hope that I wouldn't lose my composure with all the ruckus happening outside.

~30 minutes later~

                   After 30 agonizing minutes, of being in stuck in traffic, we finally arrived at tonight's venue. It was a fancy restaurant located in Tokyo called 'Golden Dynasty'.

                   As we walked inside we were greeted by a young lady who was seated behind a counter.

"Good evening gentlemen. Do you have any reservations?" She asked.

"We are the Akashis and I believe we have a reservation with the Kazuna family." Father answered.

"Please wait as I check our schedule." She then began checking the log book, which was in the computer, before she faced us again.

"Your table is number 4 and the Kazunas had already arrived. Would you like me to escort you to your table?" She questioned.

"I am grateful for your offer but we must decline." Father simply stated.

"Very well then, have a nice evening." She said with a smiled.


                   I said with a smile, being  the gentleman I am. As we walked away, I noticed the lady slightly blush.

                 We were about a meter away from our table when I saw the other family, and as expected we were already noticed.

"Hiratou-san."  The only male among them stood up and greeted father, as he raised a hand to initiate a handshake.

"Yamato-san, long time no see." Father replied and accepted the offered shake.

"Same to you. "He then looked at my direction. "And this must be Seijuurou. You have grown as a splendid young man." He complimented me.

"Thank you. You too look well, Uncle." I returned the favor.

                  He simply smiled at me before glancing at the three people now standing behind him. A young woman, the eldest among the three, stepped forward.

"We are grateful that you made time for us, even with your busy schedule." She said with a bow.

                  He then raised his hand and said. "This is nothing. Your family has not visited Japan for two years and now that you have returned, I do believe that we have some catching up to do." With that, Auntie Fumiko straightened her posture and faced the two of us. Father then casted his gaze to the remaining members of the other family.

"Ah, this must be Nanami-chan. My you have grown as a fine young lady." He pertained to the youngest of the two.

"T-thank you Uncle Hiratou." She stuttered, then she stole a glance of me before blushing furiously.

"And this must be Miku-san." Upon hearing her name I, and even her companions, immediately faced her direction.

--The calm had began.--

"My, you have grown up such a lovely young lady." He stated.

"Thank you Uncle, and you look dashing as always." She complimented but her voice was voided of any emotions.

"Why, thank you my dear."

                      She then faced me and raised a hand for me to shake.

"Long time no see, Seijuurou-kun." She said without any hint of nostalgia.

--And the storm had struck.--

'Seijuurou-kun.' With only that my mind went blank, by shock, but I soon recovered before anyone could even notice.

"Likewise Miku." I accepted her hand and shook it lightly.

'I knew it...... Miku......... You're broken.'

                 •••End of chapter three•••

  I wanted a reunion to happen in this chapter. Wat'cha guys think?

Oh and hope you guys enjoyed. \(=•×•=)/

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