Infinity War - Pt 1

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Hello everyone! Hope you like this short fic on WandaNat's life during Infinity War and Endgame, if you do please vote and comment!

I tried to make this story as close as possible to the actual movie. 

Again, sorry, before you read this please read "Don't know how to Love". Alright! Let's get started :)

Infinity War...

Wanda was just informed by Maria that she would have to leave for a week or two to go and check on Vision. He turned off his transponder. She would have to go to Edinburgh, Scotland, find him and make sure nothing had happened.

"Do I have to go? Can't anyone else?" Wanda lightly complained while sitting on the couch next to Maria.

"Fury and Stark specifically asked for you...I don't know why, probably how you-"

"Probably how close I was with him when he was made." Wanda interrupted, 'God, who crushes on a robot? Or a synthezoid I guess.' She thought to herself, mentally cringing at herself.

Maria nodded in agreement.

"Alright, fine." Wanda shook her head, lightly and threw her arms up.

"Thank you Wanda."

"Yeah, yeah...When do I need to leave?"


"Today!?" Wanda thought that was super soon

"I know, sorry."

"Ok, I'll go pack a bag then go wake her up and tell her.." Wanda stood up from her spot

"I'll stay until you're ready to go...We have to leave as soon as we can."

Wanda nodded then left the living room. She went to her room first and started packing a bag. When she finished, she made her way to the nursery.

As she opened the door, Nat was already awake and sitting up.

"Hey baby."

"Hi." Nat whispered

"How was your nap?" Wanda grinned walking over to the crib.

"Ok, I guess."

"Not so little?"

Nat shook her head no.

"I-I have to tell you something."

"What's wrong?"

"Well, I leave for a little bit."

"but..." Nat trailed off, she tried to hide her upset facial expressions but was failing.

"I know." Wanda cupped half of Nat's face, "I'm sorry babes, I really am sorry...It will only be for a little."

"'kay." Nat looked down in her lap and fiddled with her soother.

"Maria will check up on you, ok?"

"No, that-that's fine. I've been little for the past couple of days...I'll be fine...I guess."

"But, you need to slip."

"I'll be fine Wanda. It's ok."

"But Nat, it will be longer than last time. I won't be gone for a couple days, it will probably be a week." Wanda frowned

Nat didn't say anything to argue, "Can-can you help me out of this?"

Wanda lightly grinned, she lowered the railing and lifted Nat up and out of the crib. Instead of placing her on the ground, she held her and hugged her.

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