After - Pt 11

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In the next month...

Wanda had been spending every moment, every second of the day. Searching. Searching for Nat. Wanda knew that she was alive, she knew she was back. Everyone who knew she was looking for Nat thought that she was going crazy.

"Wanda...I know you miss her. But it's been a month...I'm sorry, but she-she's gone..." Maria said sadly.

"Maria, I don't care if you don't believe me! I felt her! I feel her! She's alive! I don't need to prove it to you because I know!"

Maria sighed, no matter how much she wanted to help Wanda the only way to help her would be to help her face the truth.

Wanda was pacing around the room, waiting for a call, waiting for someone to tell her that they had found Natasha Romanoff. She had spent the past month looking for Nat frantically. She knew that Nat had to be in the city, Wanda had agents at every exit from the city. Every highway, at the airports, at hotels waiting for her to get a room under her name ...Everywhere...

Maria was one of the many who believed Wanda mad. "Wanda I'm sorry but this isn't healthy. You're not going to be able to cope and grieve if you are running around like this." Maria felt awful having to talk to Wanda like this but it was true. Brutal honesty.

Wanda stopped walking, she looked up at Maria. Was she just making all this up? What if Nat really was dead?

Maria walked over to Wanda and lightly took her arm, she slowly pulled her into a hug. Wanda teared up, it really wasn't healthy.

Wanda melted into Maria's hug, it was definitely needed. She started to cry.

"I know it's hard..." Maria whispered.

"she's not coming back is she?" Wanda lifted her head and looked at Maria, tears falling from her eyes. Her voice broke.

"I'm sorry Wanda...I really am." Maria felt awful seeing her best friend like this, just miserable. She was so happy to go back to her little, her Sharon. It was awful that Wanda couldn't experience the same.

The first week after Nat was terrible... Wanda could swear she felt Nat, but it was so faint, she didn't know.

Wanda had to go back to an empty room, an empty home. Everything seemed so dark, even in the middle of the brightest day, it was dark. Wanda's light was gone, and she wasn't coming back.

Wanda slowly walked into their room. The door creaked as it opened, she turned the switch on. The light showed a gloomy room, the sheets were all messy, pillows were lying about. Wanda dragged her feet over to the bed, as she walked she could smell Nat. She sat down on the bed and looked around the room. Wanda saw all of the framed photos of the two of them together, it broke her heart, knowing that Nat was alone for 5 years.

Wanda took one of the framed pictures that was sitting on the bedside table and held it in her hand. She lightly touched Nat's face, tracing her smile. Before a small drop of liquid fell on her finger, she had started crying without knowing. Her poor baby.

She put the picture back down and saw her phone sitting there, she picked it up and grinned at her lock screen wallpaper, it was one of her favourite pictures of her sleeping baby girl. Wanda opened it, the phone app was last used so that was what was on the screen when it was unlocked. It showed all the missed calls from Nat's phone. She scrolled down and saw the hundreds of missed calls. Hundreds.

Wanda selected 'Baby Girl💞' and listened to the ringing. It went to her voicemail, Wanda listened to Nat's voice, she was sitting on the edge on her seat. Listening to her laugh.

How can I without her?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora