Infinity War - Pt 2

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They were giant, and they looked hungry. She watched as they started killing themselves trying to break through the shield, and how everyone else killed the ones that managed to get through it.

A few minutes watching the vicious Outriders fight their hardest to kill them, they had to open the barrier. The Outriders couldn't circle the barrier or nothing would be between them and Vision. 

As they ran towards the monsters, Nat felt her courage slowly trickling away, but Okoye yelled at her, "Stay with me!" Nat nodded and veered a little closer in Okoye's direction.

Out of the corner of Wanda's eye, she saw a small gap open in the blue shield. She turned and watched as the Outriders came flowing through and the team go charging towards it. "Nat..." She whispered in a worried tone. Wanda turned around and started walking towards the exit of the room.

"Wanda! What are you doing? I need you, and I'm not even close to finishing."

"They opened the barrier, I need to go help Na-them! I need to help them!" Wanda faced Shuri and argued

"You can't leave Wanda, they are going to be fine..." Shuri watched Wanda's face, it was still full of worry, "Like my brother said, Okoye is our best warrior, your little will be fine. She'll be protected."

Wanda paused, and took a breath. "She'll be ok...She'll be fine."

Nat had been fighting side by side with Okoye for about a half hour now. T'Challa wasn't wrong, Okoye was a great fighter, probably one of the best Nat had seen. Okoye had Nat's back and Nat hers. Nat wouldn't say it out loud but she did feel safer knowing that Okoye would be there to help her since Wanda couldn't.

Nat and Okoye both stopped when they felt the ground underneath their feet shake and rumble. They both looked at the source of the rumbling, something was under the ground, going underneath the shield. As they watched an alien went straight for Nat's face, she just barely dodged it, almost losing her footing in the process.

"You good?" Okoye asked as Nat started standing straight again.

"Yeah..I'm fine..." Nat trailed off, she was staring right behind Okoye.

Okoye turned around and watched as the things under the ground came out, they were Threshers. Okoye and Nat were starting to be attacked by a whole group of the Outriders, they were coming at them from both sides. 

Their worries about the Threshers were there but not there, they had to deal with the things coming for them right then, and the two thought that Sam and Rhodey were dealing with the Threshers, seeing as how they were both circling and shooting them.

After they finished killing the group of Outriders, they both looked up at the same time in the same direction and saw a whole new row of Threshers coming straight for them.

"Shit..." Nat whispered so quietly under her breath, she knew that there was no getting out of this. Right now she just wanted her mama.

When the two ducked for cover, accepting their fate. Wanda jumped in front of them and used her powers, she raised the row of Threshers high in the air. Noticing the hundred Outriders coming for the three of them from behind, she threw the Threshers right at them, killing them all.

Nat and Okoye stood up, Nat smiled. Her mama would always be there to protect her. Okoye was confused, yet again, "Why was she up there all this time?"

Wanda started walking towards Nat, she made a shield go around the three of them. She pulled Nat into a tight hug, squeezing her. "You ok, baby?" She asked, relieved that she came just in time to help save Nat.

How can I without her?Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin