Endgame - Pt 10

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Wanda fought for about 10 minutes, not once did she see Nat. She kept fighting before seeing Clint running around with a gauntlet. She landed next to him and put a shield around the two of them.

"Wanda! You-you're back!" He said out of breath.

"I-I am." She lightly smiled. Wanda was super worried.

Clint noticed as Wanda's face started to fall before she looked down at her feet. "You ok?"

"Clint...where-where is she?" Wanda looked up at him, tears threatening to rise in her eyes.


"I don't feel her, where is she?" Wanda knew when Pietro died, she couldn't feel him anymore, his presence was gone...and right now...she couldn't feel Nat.

"I'm...I'm so sorry Wanda." Clint said as he started to cry again.

Wanda didn't believe him, she stumbled backwards. Hand being raised to her mouth, tears, unknowingly spilling down her cheeks. "No, no, no...no, she-she didn't."

Clint walked towards her, arm reaching out. "I'm so sorry Wanda."

Wanda shoved his arm off her shoulder. "No, no, no! No Clint!..." She sobbed.

"I-Wanda...I'm sorry."

Wanda stood there, not knowing what to do with herself, she had her head in her hands. Her heart was ripped out of her chest once more. This time it was worse. Other organs were taken along with her heart, she felt empty. Like a bottomless pit of agony, and fury. She didn't believe it, her baby girl was gone. Wanda couldn't feel her anymore. Nat was her one source of happiness, the person who always made her smile and awe. Nat was her baby, the person she did everything with. The girl who turned her world. 

Clint didn't know what to do, he stood there, watching as Wanda wailed. She looked up at him, with the reddest eyes. "H-how Clint? How did she..." Wanda didn't want to finish her sentence.

"No Wanda...Please don't." Clint knew what she was going to do, she was going to look into his head, his memories.

But he was too late and not very convincing. Wanda used her magic and looked in Clint's head. A second later, she saw the image of Nat lying there on the rock...alone... Eyes open, blood seeping from her head and dripping from her mouth.

"Oh god!...no, no, no, no..." Wanda clutched her chest, she squeezed her shirt. She couldn't breathe. "She died alone...oh god, she was so scared...no, my baby...no Nat.." She gripped her thighs, tightly. "Take me instead! Do you hear me?! TAKE ME!! Give her back and t-take me!..." Wanda trailed off, yelling into the skies and the ground. She would punch the very ground she kneeled on, crying, and screaming.

After picturing Nat lying there in her head continuously, she noticed something different about Nat, her hair. It was long and red.

Clint was shaking off having to see Nat again. Wanda looked back at him. "How long has it been?"

Clint looked up and tried to hold back the rest of his tears, "Wanda, plea-"

"How long!?" She demanded.

He looked down at his feet, crying again. Clint made eye contact with Wanda. "Five years."

Wanda opened her mouth in disbelief, in pain. "f-f-fi..." She couldn't speak, five years Nat was without her.

Wanda was angry. This was all Thanos' fault. His fault her baby had to live without her for five years and his fault Nat sacrificed her life to get everyone back.

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