Oh to be young and in love

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Chapter 3:

I wake up to a hand brushing my hair away from my face.

"Good morning beautiful." Narcissa says, smiling down at me, and planting a soft kiss on my lips. Light streams through the window in her room, singular window. Her room's in a fucking dungeon.

"good morning babe." I say, squinting my eyes. It's too fucking bright in this world.

"how are you?"


"Great?" Narcissa smirks, finishing my sentence. "Spectacular?"

"I was gonna say sweaty, but yeah those work too." I say teasing the girl, as pull her hair, peppering her neck with little hickeys that won't last all but five minutes. We're had just dressed, as someone knocks at the door, and narcissa goes to open it, as Lucius steps into the room, eyeing me, sitting on the bed, and turning to talk with narcissa.

"Hey babe." He says, and She smiles at him. It's fake. I can tell. He can't. "Feeling any better are we?" She nods, as she stands on her tippy toes to give him a kiss on his cheek.

"So much better honey." He holds her forearms, as he gazes into her eyes, an i try my best not to vomit. Ew.

"That's good." Then he turns to me. "Clara." He nods in my direction. "See you latter cissa." Aghhh it pains me t hear him call her that. Whatever. Anything we have to do to keep us a secret. Lucius closes the door behind him as he leaves.

"Barf." I say, as narcissa sits on the bed next to me, smirking.

"Yeah, but at least he doesn't suspect shit." I nod. She has a point. If she keeps sucking up to him, then he will not have a clue. Just no sex. That's where i draw the line, because i know she doesn't want to. I don't want her doing anything she doesn't want to do. Good thing is they didn't ever have sex even before her and i were together, so that shouldn't be too hard to explain why she doesn't want to. That works out in the end, that they never really had anything to begin with. Now she can be with me.

"Can i ask you something?" Narcissa asks, turning to me, and gazing into my eyes. THIS is real. What she gave Lucius, that was some fake shit.

"Of course babe."

"Do you think he'll find out?" She sighs, worry crosses her expression. He can't. How could he.

"No of course not." I assure her. "He couldn't find out. As long as we tell NO ONE." Except lily of course, but she doesn't count, she's the most loyal person i know.

"You're right." She says, smiling at me, as she presses a kiss to my lips, making the butterflies in my stomach jump, and flutter a bit. I love this. 

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