My heart gets broken

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Chapter 5:

I guess I'm going to go back on my word. I'm going to go see cissa. See it's not because I'm hella bored, even though I am, it's because she asked me to meet up with her. Honestly I'm terrified. Usually if someone you're dating wants to talk, their either pregnant, which isn't really possible in our case, gay, or in our case I guess straight, or they want to break up. Ah shit. What did I do. I bound up the stairs to narcissas room, as the sun sets behind the mountains. I really need to know what she needs. It's gonna kill me if I don't find out. I knock on her door, as a little spike of fear settles in my stomach. I need to fucking know. Right the fuck now please. The door swing open and I got my wish. Narcissa was sitting on her bed, waiting for me.

"Oh good Clara you're here." Hey maybe it's not something bad. "Listen we need to talk." No definitely bad. Really bad.

"Yeah sure, what's up cissa?" I asked, crossing my arms, and sitting down on her bed, as she got up, beginning to pace back and forth a solemn expression on her face. Yep. This is gonna be bad. The

"Listen... I uh..." I literally cannot physically wait any longer. It's killing me.

"What is it babe."

"I uh I think we need to stop meeting up." My face fell. I knew it was gonna be bad, but this is... horrible.

"Why? What's wrong?" Narcissa shook her head.

"I'm so scared my parents, or Lucius will find out. We can still meet up, just let's stop all the sexual shit for a while ok? Just while things calm down." Okay so I guess I didn't DO anything, but this still sucks.

"cissy, they won't find out." I reassured her, putting a hand on her arm, as she sat back next to me. "But if this makes you feel better than okay. We can stop for a while." This hurts my heart to say. Narcissa smiles up at me. Somehow she looks sad. She's smiling, just sad. Huh.

"I don't want to, I just- I think I need to. Just for a little bit." I nod, pulling her head onto my shoulder, as the tears began to fall. From her eyes, and mine. "Thank you Clara."

"Of course cissa." I say, pulling her away from me to look her in her eyes. "You can talk to me about anything ok?" She nods. "When you're ready to be together again, just let me know, and we can talk ok? I'll wait." My words just made her tears fall faster, as she pressed her face into my shirt. I could tell she didn't want to, but she felt as if she had no choice. It's ok. Like I said. I'll wait. However long it takes. Yes ill wait, I'm patient, but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt. It hurts so bad, to know that i cant be with the girl i truly love, because her parents don't believe we should be together. It hurts so fucking bad. And i don't just hurt for me. I hurt for her too, knowing that she is scared of her parents. Knowing she is afraid if she;s openly with me, that she'll be killed. That fucking hurts. I hold her close to me as she sobs. I don't know how she feels. But i want to. At this point, all i know is whenever i see her parents they'll be dead for making the most important person to me feel like this. They'll be fucking dead.

"Cissy?" The girl looks up at me, tears stained her face, her eyes red and puffy from crying.

"Yeah?" She sniffles, wiping away her tears with her sleeve covered hand, as her head begins to drop back down again, spacing out. I put my hand under her chin, pointing her up to look at me again.

"I'm gonna make things right with your parents." She looks scared. "Im gonna make it so we can be together, and not be afraid. Okay?" She nods, smiling, as more tears make their way out of her eyes, rolling down her perfect cheeks, falling down onto my shoulder.

"But what If they-" i press a finger to her lips.

"No. They wont hurt you OR me. I'll make sure of it." Narcissa looks doubtful, but hopeful. She wants this. She wants to be with me, i can tell. "I'll make things right." I rub her back, comforting her as she continues to sniffle. "But until then we can just be friends." The woman nods, looking sad that we have to end what we have. It wont be for long. She looks into my eyes with her tear filled ones, and leans forward, pressing her lips into mine. "Wow narcissa what are you doing? I thought we were not doing this anymore." She didn't seem to care, as she went in for another kiss.

 If only we had payed attention, we may have heard the door to narcissa's room open. We may have seen the tall slim figure of Lucius malfoy in the doorway, anger bubbling inside him, as he witnessed what would most likely ruin his week, and narcissa's too. But we didn't. And we didn't see Lucius as he stormed off, shutting the door behind him. We didn't even hear the door close. If only we had, maybe some of this could have been stopped. 

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