2||Hogwarts express

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This chapter was first published when I hit 100 reads! And while I'm editing this due to me not liking after almost 5-6 months of it I'm on 9k something which is something that I'm happy about Because I never expected anything to begin with!


Jennie found a compartment to herself during the train ride. Sitting alone is something the slyhterin preffered since 2nd year, after all last year the hate slytherins faced was numpty.

Suddenly the train came to a stop abruptly, the air got started getting abnormally cold, the windows got frosty. Jennie opened her eyes from her nap at the sudden change of temperature.

She got her wand from the pocket of her uniform. "Lumos" she muttered. Light came from the tip of her wand. There were some Movements from outside the window, but nothing jennie was able to see clearly.

She could hear the voices of the other students on the train.

But keeping the door close was safer for her. What if there were dementors outside, she'd heard about them from her aunt.

The black hooded creatures who sucked everyone's soul and made them re-live their worst memories.

She stayed in the compartment with her wand still lit up, her cat under chair trying to find some sort of heat.

A knock came from the other side of the door, but their was not a lot of light to make out who it was.

Jennie's heartbeat fastened.
"Who is it?" She asked after trying to make her voice less shaky.

"I'm maisy, a first year, it's freezing outside and all the compartments are filled with people, I'm scared, please can I sit with you" A small voice said from outside.

"Oh yeah of course" Jennie said after realizing it was just a first year.

The little girl smiles before sitting in front of her.
"Thank you so much! Nobody was letting me in and it was getting really scary outside" The little girl said smiling at the older girl in front of her.

"It's not a problem at all" Jennie said with a half smile picking up her cat.

The temperature slowly got to normal, train started back again.

The whole train ride was quiet, the younger girl reading a large book which looked similar to Hogwarts:A history.

The older slytherin reading her DADA textbook, after lockheart last year she expected something better, the expectations were really low.


Sitting at the Slytherin table with her friends, Daphne Greengrass.
She met the blonde back at the train in first year, they have been ever since, she was the one who helped jennie dye her hair back in 2nd year.

On her left was her cousin Draco Malfoy, they met in Transfiguration in first year, when they figured out they were cousins, what a happy moment that was.

In front of her was Blair lestrange, her dorm-mate and her cousin from her aunt Bellatrix and beside her was Alexandra Avery also her dorm-mate.


After eating the feast, everyone went to their common rooms, slytherin got a couple first years including the girl she met on the train, who's name was Maisy badger.

Jennie finally entered her dorm room, her luggage already there.

"I can't believe third year has started, it was almost like our first day was yesterday" Alexandra said sitting on her four poster bed.

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