3|| Divination

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Hello everyone, I'll be starting to directly do Jennie's Pov. So instead of saying she/her, I'll say I/my.

Jennie's Pov ●

I woke up from daphne shaking me

After a while the boys came except for blaise, like always he was sleeping. Then Professor Snape gave us our time tables.

Me, Daphne, Theo and Draco had mostly all our classes together except Divination, they all had selected Ancient Ruins. That meant I had to find knew friends in that class to sit with.

Perhaps Alexandra would be there, she looks like someone who'd believe all of that as well.

While we were checking our time tables, Pansy Parkinson came and started talking to Draco, about something I wasn't interested in so I tuned them out and started to look for my other cousin Blair.

She and I got along very well better than Me and Draco did, we ganged up to make fun of him a lot.

I couldn't find Blair nor Alexandra, they were always together, they were stuck to each other's hip from the First year. It was quite wholesome but I really wanted to ask Alexa if she was in my class.

I'm really excited for Divination because I've heard from Aunt Andromeda that My mother was friends with her when they were at Hogwarts.

Skip to divination ●

As I had thought of Alexa and Blair were indeed in my Class. The three of us spent atleast 15 minutes in finding the Classroom. After we got settled down, Professor Trelawney began to speak.

"Hello students, I am professor Trelawney, from now on we will be studying the ancient art of divination. For this you'll have to keep an open mind. "

The Patil twins and Lavender Brown from the Griffindor House could be seen whispering and giggling from her seat. I wondered what they were thinking was so funny.

"Today we will be learning how to predict the future using tea dregs" Professor trelawney said, she had a dreamy voice.

Time skip to the end of Class:

By the end of it, as we were getting out. I was terrified out of my mind, wondering 'What the heck just happened in there'

Well, basically she just told me some pretty bad things that are slightly alarming, and also that my life will change this year completely.

I am not scared of dying, because I knew that could not happen.My death had been predicted long before.

But I was scared because my life was going to change, I knew it becuase with Sirius Black, my own Father escaping Azkaban and he was the first criminal to ever escape in history, So it was a pretty Big deal.

I had a lot of things on my plate ane this just adds on to it.


Hey everyone, hope you liked this chapter, well as I said that I want to interact with all of you, so you all can ask me a question and I'll make sure to reply to you in the next chapter~

Written on: February 2021
Edited on: 11 April 2023


513 words~


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