12|| Patronus and boggart

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Jennie was trying to learn how to make a Patronus. You would ask how she ended up going this on a Sunday? Well, apparently Proffesor lupin thought the dementors had an interest in jennie.

So here she was, in Professor lupin's office with the last person she wanted to see...Harry fucking potter.

Proffesor Lupin told them to focus on happy memories. She was not sure which one to think of one, she couldn't think of the one that meant the most to her.

Then they were to practise with the boggart who was gonna be a dementor.

She had already thought of everything possible. Her cousin Tonks, Playing Quidditch, Aunt Andromeda and Uncle Ted who had always treated her like their own daughter, her friends, but nothing seemed to worked.

She was getting frustrated at this point.

"What are you thinking about?" Proffesor asked seeing she was getting impatient.

Right now, she was thinking of her first match, it was probably a bad idea to think about it, because they had lost after all but she remembered the feeling of playing for the first time for her team had made her so happy.

"I'm thinking about my first Quiditch match" She answered with a hint of frustration in her voice. "Well it's not good enough, you have to think about a very strong memory" Lupin said.

Jennie was again thinking of everything she possibly could. But nothing felt as special to work for the Patronus to work, but then her thoughts drifted to her dream. When she saw.....sirius, her dad.

She thought about the dream and said pointing the raising her Wand. "Expecto patronum." Some white light came out of the Wand for a while but then it stopped soon.

Harry was trying to make the Patronus charm himself and Lupin watched the both of them with a small smile, remembering his old friends.

He remembered the time when they were studying at Hogwarts, A time before betrayals, death and war had happened. He remembered the day he was teaching James potter and Sirius black and now before him their children were trying to learn the same spell.

It was funny really to Remus, he was thinking of how similar, The father and daughter duo were. Their looks, the stubbornness, the impatience and the Laugh.

Remus was finding it Identical and he Missed Sirius deep within his heart, there was a part of him that did not want to believe he did anything bad.

But he had also missed Jennie, she was his God daughter he wanted to tell her so badly and hug her. But he did not want to make her feel Overwhelmed, he could only imagine what she might be feeling with Sirius breaking out.

Then Suddenly he broke out of his train of thoughts and saw Jennie starting to make the Patronus but then it stopped. Harry saw too.

Proffesor Lupin came near jennie and asked curiously. "Which memory did you use? Getting even this close to making a Patronus is very high of an achievement".

Jennie slightly panicked inside, she couldn't tell him about the 'dream', she quickly tried to think of an excuse. "I was thinking of my family" She lied.

"Your family?" Proffesor asked sadly. "My Aunt Andromeda, Uncle Ted and My sister." She replied. Remus nodded sadly.

If things hadn't gone wrong, Her family would've meant his friend and her mother that he had started to love dearly like a sister.


Jennie had managed to easily defeat the boggart which was in the form of a dementor. She felt better that Potter took more time than her to learn the Patronus charm. She hadn't tried to help him, she didn't feel like it.

Right now she was on her way to the dungeons.

"Jennie!" Someone called her name from behind. She turned around to see, harry coming towards her. She wanted to turn around and run, but she also wanted to stay and listen to him and probably scream at him.

She held a resting bitch face, and tried to stay calm on the inside.

"Hey, I'm terribly sorry for saying all those things to you yesterday, I really didn't mean those things I said. It was my anger that took over me. I had just found out." He said panting.

It made jennie wonder if he had come running all the way here to just talk to her. He looked genuine about it but jennie was the sort of person to hold grudges.

"Stop making excuses potter. I'm sorry but you shouldn't apologize if you don't mean it!" Jennie snapped at him.

"But I really am" He said, he wanted to make up to her, he barely knew her but somehow he wanted to know her. Everything about her was intriguing to him. Her half dyed purple hair, her brown eyes, everything was so intriguing to him.

"Are you really though?" She asked. She turned around and walked away. Harry stayed there watching her short figure walk away, and thinking of how he was gonna make up to her.

Hey everyone! Guess who posted a chapter after a million years..me. I know! In sorry, but I was facing writers block..and I was lazy😝. But so much has happened in this month.

My mom got her first dose of vaccine, she was really ill for the next day but it was the side effect of the vaccine. The cyclone that happened in the coastal side that I scared you all with. It's summer in India and it rained so damn bad, it rained continuesly for a day. And I didn't get to watch hp in rain becuase the electricity went away for quite a long while.

I've recently started watching these unsolved cases and ghost stuff on yt and I'm getting hella nightmares, but its ADDICTIVE😢

BLACKPINK got so many awards in this time(it's time of the rant). Lisa got popular artist of the year in a Chinese award show. I'm so happy for her!!
Blackpink got collab of the year for ice cream. I love selpink♡
Sorry if I'm missing more, I can't remember😢. But I'm so haply for them. I recently had gotten twitter for voting on bbma and iheartawards, but it ended up getting to much for me to handle in front of my writers block.

I'm thinking of downloading insta again, if you don't know about this, well I had a blackpink quote account, I got kind of a bit of hate for my quotes. It really hurt me and my anxiety got kind of serious during that point, my friend told me to delete insta and avoid social media which I did (except for wattpad).

Wattpad is different from most of the social medias, you don't get a lot of hate here, constructive criticism is given not direct hate. Anyways, so pls tell me what should I do. Anyways thank you for reading. I love you all♡


923 Words~

Written on: 27 april 2021
Edited on: 6th May 2023


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