Thor and Loki play 'Ruin Peter's Life!'

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Peter and Ned were still freaking out over MJ when the tour guide came over to them. 

"hey Petie..." Tony began.

"Go away." Peter's voice was muffled, due to the fact that he had pulled his hood over his face. 

"Okay, I just wanted to tell you about the next layer of Nat's amazing, humiliating plan..."

"No! Wait, da-Tony!" Peter pulled his hood down and ran after Tony. The metal man grinned. He had known that would work. 

"Thor and Loki have been given orders to harass you in any way, as long as it is embarrassing."

Peter groaned.  Of course. Loki was probably going to it. The object of Peter's nightmares.

That dam protocol. 

A few minutes later, FRIDAY called out.

"Peter, sir? Thor and Loki have been spotted climbing up the side of this stairwell, muttering about reaching the class." Dammit! They were on their way!

A second later, Peter heard people screaming and fainting. This meant that the brothers were there. 

"Hello, small mid-guardians!" Thor boomed, with Loki walking cooly behind him. 

Peter groaned. Could this day possibly get any worse? 

"Hi Thor." He forced out, trying to sound cheerful. 

Loki wasn't fooled.

"Come on Peter," Loki smiled, "aren't you happy to see your dear uncles?"

Everyone gasped. Yep. Peter's life was officially ruined. He would probably die, end up revealing that he was Spiderman,  be horrified by Loki's evil protocol, and then die again.

"I think it's time for a game, don't you?" Loki began, smirking and relishing in the fact that he was making Peter pay for when he put pink glitter in Loki's hair. Everyone had laughed their heads off and Loki had made a mental pact that he would not rest until he had got his revenge.

So he pulled out a dagger and threw it at the water balloon that Thor was hanging above the poor bean's head. Tony cringed as a mess of silly string, gloop,  water and slime poured all over Peter. Then for good measure, Loki spilled rainbow feathers over him, so Peter looked like a huge, embarrassed, tropical chicken. He was then embarrassed further when Loki smugly got FRIDAY to play the video of Peter doing the chicken dance (Wanda forced him).

"Pleasure us, Peter! Do the dance for us!" Loki cried. Thor tried to subtly laugh, but it came out as a loud snort. The class began to laugh. 

Welp, Peter thought, if I'm going out, I'm going out in style.

"Ok, uncle L. I'll do the dam dance.

And he did.

This time the class laughed with him, if not then slightly awed at the fact that he called the Loki uncle L. 

Speaking of Loki, he looked slightly annoyed at the fact that Peter wasn't bothered. But he felt better when he saw Peter sniff a bit for his poor, covered clothes. RIP gap hoodie.

Who could be next? Steve had come, so had Tony, Bucky, Thor, Loki, Sam, Clint and Wanda. 

Oh no. 

T'challa, Shuri and Okeye were next.

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