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June, 1951

The window to her room was open, even though the rain was pouring. The water had gathered in small pools on the wooden floor and soaked the drapes blowing in the wind.

She had been curled up on the emerald ottoman at the end of her bed all afternoon. Though the rain was soothing, it was far from enough to put her at ease. Her back was aching, and the stiff curlers gnawed at her head.

Her eyes examined the pale yellow dress resting on its hanger. She had saved it for a special occasion; however, she couldn't wait to wear it much longer. And she would never admit it, but she wanted to look her best tonight.

"Maddie!" Her younger sister startled her by barging into the room, "isn't he picking you up in half an hour? You look a mess." Katherine furrowed her brows at her Maddie and tilted her head in question.

"Simmer down, will you? I'll only take a minute."

"You can't be serious. It's gonna take time to fix... that," Katherine swung her hand around, gesturing wildly at her sister's face.

"Oh, you think my face is in dire need of fixing?"

"Well yeah. Tonight is special, right?" Maddie didn't know what to tell her. It was, but she sure as hell didn't want it to be.

"Why do I even have to have dinner with him? I'm not even hungry," She started as she slipped across the cold floor to the vanity, "do you like these earrings?" She rambled and didn't blink, "even if I was hungry, I don't need or want him to buy me dinner." Katherine kept quiet. She knew Maddie needed to vent, and she just let her.

Cosmetics and clear bottles of perfume filled the surface of her vanity. She applied a cream to her hands before powdering up her face. Katherine started taking out the curlers, leaving Maddie with luxurious waves.

"We'll have nothing to talk about," Maddie looked at her sister in the mirror, "Kathy, did you just roll your eyes at me?"

"I just think it's ridiculous how sorry you feel for yourself. You could do so much worse than Jack," Maddie adverted her glare, "and I know you miss James, but it could've never worked out."

Maddie huffed a little laugh, feeling a burning sensation in her nose as tears welled up in her eyes. Her sister's words stung like a slap across the face, but it was something she needed to hear. Still, she felt like no one could understand her. Agreeing to go on this date meant that she was willing to give up a little piece of her freedom, which made her somewhat disappointed in herself.

"You're right," Maddie decided, shaking her head in an attempt to compose herself and continued applying her make-up. Kathy helped her into her dress and found the perfect shoes to match.

The rain had stopped, but the whistle of the wind still dominated the atmosphere emphasizing the silence between the siblings.

"You look absolutely breathtaking," Kathy envied, "I wish I had just a tad of your beauty."

"Don't be silly," Maddie waved her hand dismissively as she put on her pearls.

When they had finished the whole seance, Kathy left Maddie alone, staring in the mirror. She almost couldn't recognize herself all dolled-up but liked it.

Taking a cigarette out of her golden cigarette case, she let herself unwind for just a minute. A lack of sleep had left her dizzy, and she couldn't wait to have a drink at dinner.

"Maddie! I think he's pulling up!" Kathy yelled from the kitchen downstairs.

Maddie hurried to the window, and sure enough, a deep midnight blue convertible pulled up in front of the sister's shared Manhattan townhouse. She watched him closely as he opened the door of the car and let his leg glide out. He was way more attractive than she remembered.

A knock on the door echoed through the house, up the stairs, and sent a shiver through Maddie's spine. Quickly, she gathered her stuff and put it in her purse: the lipstick, the cigarettes, and the gum, and left her chamber. She lingered on the stairs waiting for her sister to open the door, listening carefully.

"Good evening Jack," Maddie peeked around the corner of the staircase. His beige trenchcoat was unbelted, showing off his neat dusky grey suit.

"Good evening, Katherine. How do you do?"

"Just fine, thank you. And you?" Maddie could hear the slightly enchanted tone of her sister's voice.

"Fine as well."

Silence spread and Maddie decided it was time to enter the conversation. She made it a point to move slowly but elegantly.

"Hi, Jack," she tried to sound as confident as possible. He gave a toothy smile when their eyes met. He, likewise, had remembered her differently.

"Hi, Maddie. You look phenomenal," he motioned to her chic dinner dress. What a fine pair they were all dressed up, Maddie thought to herself.

"You look quite charming yourself," he chuckled slightly but thanked her, motioning for her to take his arm.

"You better have her here back before midnight," Kathy glared at Jack, tilting her head forward, making her innocent blue eyes intimidating as possible, which wasn't much.

"Shut up, Kathy!" Maddie said in all seriousness before realizing Jack was laughing and then falsely joined him.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do!" Kathy said as Maddie smacked the door in her face. The evening air was humid, but Maddie just thanked God that it wasn't raining anymore.

Jack opened the car door for her, and though she found it unnecessary, she thanked him with a nod of her head. As Jack skipped around the car to his seat, Maddie rubbed her hands together, already feeling the itch to smoke another cigarette.

"So, where are we going?"

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