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November 5th, 1952

A trembling sensation had refused to leave Maddie's body since she arrived at the hospital. She had looked at her hands multiple times to check just how much they were shaking, only to find them steady as ever.

"I swear, Bobby, I'm just fine," she reassured her brother-in-law and looked over to the chair beside her bed, where he loyally placed himself as soon as they entered the hospital room.

The younger Kennedy only replied by lifting his eyebrows in an expression as to say: I don't believe you.

Maddie plastered a smile on her face, but she was quaking with fear. Not for her own health but for that of her baby. I haven't even birthed the baby yet, and I'm already a terrible mother, she told herself, raising a hand to cover a whimper from leaving her mouth.

"Bobby, did you get ahold of Jack?"

Bobby looked a tad disgusted at the mention of his brother's name, "no, not yet." This was a new low for his brother. Bobby would drop everything he had in his hands if he knew Ethel needed him. Hell, he even did it for Maddie. He had been working on this campaign for months, and a victory would mean as much for him as it did for Jack. However, he still insisted on coming to the hospital because his brother didn't.

The woman sitting beside him was just as disappointed, sad, frightened, and livid. How dare he? What if she had actually gone into labor? She had told him months ago that she refused to have him in the waiting room lighting up cigars while she was going through the pain of a lifetime in the next room. She was his equal, and therefore, she wanted him by her side while she birthed the baby he put in her belly. And he had agreed. Though it was uncommon, he had agreed.

"Mrs. Kennedy, there is a call for you," a curly-haired nurse brought Maddie out of her brooding, guiding her to follow. The only person who could be calling at a time like this was her husband. And Maddie was ready to give him an earful.

Maddie sat straight up in the bed, which made Bobby ask the nurse if it wouldn't be better for Maddie to remain resting, but the nurse reassured him it was fine.

Bobby sent her a glare that she neglected, looking down at her slippers as she slid her bare feet into them. He found himself wanting to protect her. To him, she was like the most delicate piece of glass, and she didn't realize the extent of her vulnerability. He didn't want his brother to break her.

The hospital hallway seemed endless. Maddie was contemplating what to say to Jack when she got on the phone. On the one hand, she was already coming up with passive-aggressive remarks that would let him know that he was on thin ice, and on the other, she was just excited to hear his voice. That was the most frustrating thing about Jack; the spell he had cast on her. It scared her that she didn't know how much she would let him get away with before taking serious action. But she had the feeling that one day she would found find out.

She exhaled before taking the phone in her hand and bringing it to her ear, "Hello?" She spoke gently.



"Yes, oh my god, are you alright? When Bobby called, my heart stopped beating for a second. Do you need me to come? I already-" Kathy rambled until her older sister interrupted her.

"Breathe, Kathy, I'm fine. I fainted; it's alright now. I hadn't slept or eaten enough, and I know not to make that mistake again." Maddie was disappointed, to say the least. She had hoped that the caller was her husband, phoning her to beg forgiveness for caring more about his career than her health. But though it wasn't Jack calling, she was glad that someone cared enough to make sure she was alright. And though Kathy could be a handful, there was nothing in the world that meant more to Maddie than knowing she had her little sister in her corner.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2022 ⏰

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