8. i have to go, im sorry

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NOV Narrator.

after hour of cleaning i went to sit down on the couch.
*I stared talking to myself*
"Pff finely, I'm done"
* I saw a radio next to the TV and I walked over to turn it on*
It got a few jammers but after turning buttons for a few min i found some good music. Some 90s music, i cracked up the volume and stared taping my foot on the ground.
"Oke great. This is great."
*i looked at the clock*
"Wauw its 5PM already"
* looks in the (cabinets) for some foot* "noting, pff"
I desided to get my self some food from the store.
walks to the frond door and opened it. And walked over to my car and unlocked it. I got in the car and started it. I drove to the nearest store and got my self some basic stuff like vegetables, fruit and some candy. 

when i parked my car near the door of the store i saw Lilly in her car pulling over at the store across the street. i hope she didn't see me. so i got in the store as fast as i could and grabbed what i needed. i paid my stuff and got back in the car. and i looked over to see if Lilly her car was till parked that the store across the street. and luckily it was. i stared my car and drove back to the small hut in the woods.

(some time later)

i pulled over in frond of the hut grabbed my stuff and got back inside. i put the foot down in the table and grabbed what i needed to make a few sandwiches. when i  did i heard a car pulling up to the house. i was scared for a sec because this was a abandon house in the wood who would come here? the only person that knows about this place is Lilly

Grant "oow no!"

what am i gonna say to her? that i ran because of my feelings?

than i heard a knocking on he door. 

Captain Hellings *open up its Captain Hellings! Grant are you there?"

i walked over to the door as fast as u could and opend it. 

Grant *yes sir*

Captain Hellings "they said you were here. oke son you have 2 days to get ready we have an other mision in japan. i can tell you much about it rn but you have to go to base in 2 days at 5AM. understood?"

Grant" yes sir"

Captain Hellings" oke i have to go again i still have some people to visit. so i will see you in 2 days? "

Grant "yes sir you will"

Hellings walked back to his car and drove away. what am i gonna do now? the boys and Lilly do not know where i am. when i drive back home i will not have enough time. i need to take a plane to Russia. i have to go now. 

i stared packing all the things i had and when i walked out of the door i saw Lilly her car next to mine. then i saw Lilly standing next to my car. i walked over to her and put my things on the ground.

lilly" what are you doing here grant"

Grant"i'm sorry i had to leave i didn't know what to do. and now they need me in the military, i have to go to Japan for a mission but our base is in Russia. 

Lilly" wow wow wow calm down sweetie. i know you had to go to Russia we got a letter. Mully Josh and me are calling and chatting you all day but you didn't replay. Geage even thought you were dead."

Lilly"i will call them that your safe and well"

Grant" no don't call them."


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