Author's Note

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Welcome! Welcome, my beloved readers both old and new. I'm so happy you were intrigued enough to check out this book.

I'm not going to take up your time with too much talking, just want to put a few things out here. If you're coming here from my last book 'Different Worlds' you would know how sloppy I was with my updates.

I wouldn't want to carry over the same attitude into this book, so I decided to pick out three days in the week as my update days. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

Secondly, I would like to warn you beforehand that this book would have some unrealistic tendencies. Just a little bit.

I believe books are supposed to take you out of reality and into a different dimension. Although I love making my books as relatable as possible, I also allow my imagination run wild.

With that being said, I bid you good luck as you venture into this journey. I hope it'll be worth your while.

Love❤️ and light💡

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