Chapter Nine

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"Uhhh. I can't even find anything sensible here" I groaned as I swiped through the internet suggestions.

I leaned back on the multipurpose chair in the girl's changing room. I was trying to get some work done on the next chapter of my project, making use of the free WiFi but I wasn't finding what I needed.

The changing room or staff quarter was a medium sized bungalow with two fairly large rooms, a kitchen, bathroom and toilet. It was basically self sufficient of the main house. The two rooms was divided between the maids, gateman and driver.

Peace and I didn't live in the premises so the female room was shared by Mary and Bisola. The male room was shared by the gateman and driver who also substituted as a gardener.

The staff quarters was created to avoid us loitering around the house when we didn't have much to do and it was located behind the main house. There were two intercoms placed in both rooms for the purpose of summoning us into the main house when needed. It was a very smart and efficient way to run things.

The female room had a bunk bed in which Mary and Bisola used. The Cokers were also kind enough to provide a small LG TV, the size of a laptop for each room for our entertainment. There wasn't really much to room, other than a large wooden wardrobe, a small black sofa, a multipurpose table and chair. The room was very much plain.

Bisola walked into the room and settled on the sofa. She briefly glanced at Peace who was laid on her bed, busy with her phone and then at me.

"Ah ahn, Neye you're still here?" She asked

"Yeah, my class was cancelled. There's no need for me to rush home" I replied

"Ehnn, all your classes were cancelled" she said

"I had just one class today so I'm free" I replied

"Oh okay" she nodded. "Omo, I'm hungry and na bread and akara I wan chop" (it's bread and akara I want to eat)

"Would the akara woman still be out by now?" Peace asked

"I think so" Bisola said before rising from the sofa. "Let me go and quickly buy before it finishes"

"Neye, are you interested?" Bisola asked

"In bread and akara? Yes" I said and moved to grab my purse.

"Don't worry, I'll buy for you" she said

"Awn, thank you" I grinned at her

"Buy for me too" Peace said as she blinked her eyes repeatedly at Bisola. I guess for a cute effect.

"Where's your money?" Bisola outstretched her hand to Peace.

"Ah ahn now... but you're buying for Chineye" Peace pouted

"So? Neye doesn't stay with us like that unlike you" Bisola replied. "Besides, I always buy for you"

"It's okay, it's okay" Peace rushed out with a hint of irritation in her tone.

Bisola raised her upper lip to her nose, disregarding Peace's tone. "Are you buying or not?"

"I'm not buying" Peace muttered and returned to her phone.

"I'm coming" Bisola said and then headed out of the room.

Mary walked in shortly after Bisola left. She also expressed surprise at my presence and then suggested we watch a movie on Netflix. Mary was what I would call a movie addict, if she wasn't busy working in the kitchen, she was watching one movie or the other.

A couple of minutes into the movie, Bisola walked in with the food. She handed me a black nylon with bread and another with hot akara balls. She settled down on the floor with me and Mary to watch the movie. She reached into the nylon in her hand and pulled out to cold bottles of Pepsi then placed one in front of me.

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