Chapter Thirty-one

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The number of stares directed at us as soon as we stepped into the Dominos pizza place was unnerving. The entrance of people into such an establishment was always an unconscious head-turner but looks lingered. I assumed it was because of the camera in Yinka's hand.

My pupils fidgeted not having a single place to focus on, I resorted to searching for an empty table for us. Like I had previously assumed, the crowd in the establishment was as a result of it being a weekend.

There were not many tables in the building mostly because people just ordered to-go rather than sitting down to eat. There were quite a number of people standing at the counter whilst a few were seated around a table; some probably awaiting their orders while others were actually eating.

I was able to sight a free table with three empty chairs by the corner, close to the wall. There was a couple seated on a table in front of it, somehow shielding it.

"There," I pointed at it and began to make my way to it.

The quicker we got to it, the lesser our chances of losing the table were.

Once I was settled down, I looked up to find Yinka still standing beside me. He was looking ahead in the direction of the counter and then looked back down at me.

"I'll go ahead and order," he said, looking back at the counter. "Would you prefer milkshakes or ice cream?"

I've never had milkshakes before and I'll like to try it but at the same time, I wouldn't want to get something I would end up disliking.

"Uhm..." I drawled

"Just pick one" he gazed down at me.

"Uh... Milkshake"

I can always have ice cream any other time.

"What kind?" he asked again


"Are you ordering a milkshake as well?" I asked

"Yeah" he nodded

"What are you going for?" I asked

"Strawberry," he said

"I'll have that as well," I said with a nod

"Kay. I'll be back" he said and walked off.

I deeply inhaled the sweet smell of pastries and sighed, leaning forward. I placed my arms on the table and looked outside the place through the glass view. The sky had grown darker and the street lights had come on, illuminating the roads.

I was so engrossed with watching the nightlife unfolding outside the building when the sound of a chair scraping against the floor grabbed my attention. I looked in the direction of the sound to find two guys pulling out the seats on our table and proceeding to sit on them.

"Do you mind if we sit here?" one of them said

You're already sitting.

"Actually someone is sitting there," I said, pointing at the chair opposite me.

"Where?" the one nearest to me said

"Abi" the one opposite me, chuckled. "Where the person dey?"

'On my head' was at the tip of my tongue but instead, I ignored them and pulled out my phone from my purse and occupied myself with it.

After getting no response from me, the one nearest to me awkwardly adjusted in his seat and muttered. "Ehn, when the person comes we will stand up"

No oo. Don't stand up, remain there.

Nonsense and Ingredient

I still didn't give pay them any attention as I scrolled through my WhatsApp, responding to chats. A moment later, Yinka returned and the two guys did as they said.

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