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After a few explanations here and there, Blu had decided to finally let Manuel drive directly to the sorority house. Actually, I didn't know what was in store for me and what would my life would be like at this point. I was still processing over Bree's condition, the fact that she had multiple personalities. But that wasn't the only issue at all. I was certain that the other exclusive members of the AID would be cautious around an outsider like me. It was kinda overwhelming, yeah, but I refused to be stumbled on.

The car stopped before the gate of the house and it automatically opened to give way for us. I just couldn't believe that I was going to live in this lavish mansion starting from now on. The place didn't fit with my social background at all.

After my family's death, I'd been living horribly, getting job after job to feed myself and to support my study. It was just so happened that the Valentine had given me a full scholarship which angered me, to be honest. Their daughter had involved herself with my twin sister, Stella, who was suffering from paranoia and eventually ended herself in that woods before my eyes. It felt like they were paying for my sister's death, to lessen the guilt in their heart.

However, my foster parents could care less about my well-being at all. They just endured my presence in their home to take advantage of the insurance they were receiving every month from the state. They'd refused to give me a proper education, telling me that I would follow my parents and twin sister's footsteps anyway. So why bother? It was comical that they were so sure that I would end up killing myself too, when in fact, I'd already killed them in my mind a hundred times.

So in the end, I swallowed my pride and accepted the scholarship. I had no other choice because I'd been wanting to get far away from the past and move on once and for all. I wouldn't have been able to do that if I'd scarce myself from the education system. So I was beyond ecstatic that someone was offering me the same, but of course, with consequences. Somehow, my life was bearable.

"By the way, you're not allowed to tell Brielle about her disorder. Do you understand?" Blu insisted once her driver pulled over in front of the two-story mansion.

I looked at her, totally disturbed. "I read somewhere that the host isn't aware of their alters. But why should we hide it from her?"

Blu's eyes dropped down on her lap. "Because the last time they did, another alter switched on and took her own life. Brielle almost died."

My mouth went ajar as I froze at that. Averting my eyes from Blu, my jaw clenched as it reminded me about the past—— the suicide chain in my life.

Blu seemed to feel my anxiety, tapping my lap lightly. "That's why I have this instinct that I can trust you with Brielle. I didn't mean to intrude but I had to read your background report. She may not be the same with your ——"

"Don't you dare say any more words," I cut her off sharply, shooting daggers at her.

She looked deadly in my eyes for a moment before retracting her hand. "I understand. But you should be aware that I want to get something out of you—— out of Brielle rather, and that's Bree. And in case you want to dig deeper, just let me know and I'll help you as much as I can. But first, I have to introduce you to our fellow sisters. So shall we?"

Letting out a tired breath, I hopped out of the car and trailed behind Blu with my luggage which Manuel had already carried out for me. Blu straightaway opened the double door, revealing the elegant foyer with the grandest horseshoe staircase I'd ever seen in my whole life. My head propped back to see a gigantic chandelier made of crystals that were attached to the high ceiling. Even the damn ceiling looked so carefully thought of as it had a round designed glass viewing the sky outside. Dammit! This place was too blinding for my dark soul!

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