shut up wattpad my title isn't too long

27 1 2

Name of the chapter that wattpad decided didn't fit their standards smh🙄🤚:

Hetalia Characters Summarized (and maybe slightly exaggerated) In Three Words Or Less


Italy: pasta whore

Germany: buff boss man

Japan: the ultimate otaku

America: dumb cowboy

England: big eyebrow tsundere

France: horny on main

Russia: wholesome arson vibes

China: haha, old man

Cananda: who?

Prussia: narcissistic hooligan

Romano: angry tomato whore

Spain: heavy bisexual vibes

Belarus: creepy ex-girlfriend

Ukraine: boobs.

Hungary: thirsty tomboy

Austria: pompous rich guy

Greece: he likes cats

Turkey: show-off

Switzerland: your gun dealer

Liechtenstein: uwu little sister

Lithuania: constant anxiety

Poland: ultimate horse girl

Latvia: smol

Estonia: heterosexual

Netherlands: stingy neat freak

Belgium: waffle lady

Sealand: obnoxious little shit

Finland: protagonist vibes

Sweden: stoic homosexual

Norway: local shut-in

Iceland: puffin whisperer

Denmark: rowdy man-child


*insert witty pun*

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