Boobs Or Ass?

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(i tried my best to keep these relatively unique, which is why some are a bit strange. I didn't just wanna put boobs or ass, y'know?)


Italy: boobs bc soft

Germany: ass ass ass ass 

Japan: (anime) tiddys

America: yes.

England: boobs (looking at butts makes him sad)

France: the rare True Neutral

Russia: very subtle ass preference

China: ass probably

Canada: b00bs

Prussia: boobs (you know why)


Spain: ass (obv)

Belarus: ass

Ukraine: butts cuz she's already got enough boob

Hungary: ass...essment i failed for math

Austria: a s s

Greece: boobulars 

Turkey: butt vibes

Switzerland: ass-matazz

Liechtenstein: FBI OPEN UP-

Lithuania: 5318008 (look at upside down)

Poland: assass

Latvia: excuse me he is a child

Estonia: boobs

Netherlands: nether

Belgium: waffles

Sealand: hes a kid, he doesn't know what either of those are

Finland: "i don't have a preference :)" (its ass)

Sweden: he's gay. ass.

Norway: booboobs

Iceland: definitely boobs

Denmark: TIDDY


(in case you're still confused, Lithuania's says boobies hehe)

*flashbacks to putting that in school calculators*

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