Quotes That Definitely Happened At Some Point Probably

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Alternative Title : Hetalia Characters As Quotes By Myself And People I Know

Italy : "my grandpa sent me a minion poncho" 

Germany : "so you ate a weeks worth of tacos, puked, then the next morning wanted to puke again but ate a good taco and we're fine"

Japan : "why is the boat man completely undisturbed by a flat child"

America : "Hurger my burger" 

England : "I can feel my youth draining from my body"

France : "I have ascended to entirely new levels of horny" / "sometimes i feel like if i get too sexy ill just become the next dictator of America"

Russia : "____ would you like to sell some organs👁️👁️"

China : "Haha. You stinky, I big brain. Nighty Night!"

Canada : "I'm being very compact and nonexistent today"

Prussia : "anyway u wanna see mothman's statue's ass?"

Romano : "don't make me give you cpr with my spaghetti breath"

Spain : *teaches Satan the Macarena*

Belarus : "let them stew in their own disgusting bastardly misconduct"

Ukraine : "so many boob, so little time"

Hungary : "Get yourself a man who'll grow six toes for you"

Austria : "most modern music came out of my butthole when i was 5"

Greece : "I'd still like to be surrounded on all sides by bananas"

Turkey : "Cuz like half the fat in my entire body goes into my THUNDER THIGHS"

Switzerland : "You're fine for a little bit but then you start to slowly die"

Liechtenstein : "Garfield man chased me through the library today"

Lithuania : "he walk in n be like "bih wake tf up" and slaps me in the head with a brick"

Poland : "Ugh- fine. Whatevs. Make sure to pick at your food so you don't get fat! #AppearanceisEverything"

Latvia : "You're fine for a little bit but then you start to slowly die"

Estonia : "the kid gave someone on rob lox the hand and they received a holy smite"

Netherlands : "I'm inviting you to my funeral. make sure to tell cool stories about me so i don't get cancelled for dying"

Belgium : "Soupy peanut butter"

Sealand : "does he weed?"

Finland : "My arms were just itchy and funky colors so I got worried but we're good now"

Sweden : "Oatmeal."

Norway : "Thanks no thanks, I'm saving myself for the bog witch"

Iceland : "i had an aneurism trying to write cauliflower"

Denmark: "Imagine if brains could shit!?"

Hong Kong : "Tradition stinky for the most part"



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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2021 ⏰

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