Fattest To Flattest: The Butt Ranking System

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Spain - you will never see a nicer ass

Canada - nobody notices him bc his juicy dumper isn't in view

America - BIG ASS (not as cakey as his bro tho)

Ukraine - oh yeah she thick

Switzerland - Fat Butt Institution

Denmark - r o t u n d

Russia - h e f t y l a d

Greece - his amazing ass is probably why Turkey hates him tbh

France - what? did you think he wouldn't have a really nice ass?

Estonia - God granted him a nice ass bc he felt bad for him

Finland - bubble butt :)

Romano - the one thing he has over his brother

Italy - more of a cute butt than a nice ass

Prussia - wants to establish a Butt Hierarchy with him at the top (mans in denial)

Hungary - your average Nice Ass

Turkey - a nice ass, but it starts to look kinda funky if you stare at it for too long

Lithuania - its just cute

Liechtenstein - literally nobody knows bc she wears too many layers

Latvia - thirty years in the gulag

Sealand - :/

Sweden - its cuz of IKEA

Belarus - in denial abt being flat 😔

Poland - some cake, but only on teusdays

Netherlands - jeez, even his ass is stingy

Germany - he doesn't have room for a fat ass, his muscles are too big

Iceland - his butt froze off :(

Norway - skinny legend

China - like Japan, but better

Belgium - all her personality went to her ass

Austria - I'm sorry, no amount of money can fix that

Japan - hes not england, but its still kinda sad

England - all the thiccness went to his eyebrows😔



the belgium stans are coming for my head oH GOD OH NO-

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