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There was something weird about that girl. He knew it. He'd been doing research Sorcerer's Stone and it's creator. Never once had any book mentioned family, and definitely not a heir.

Why was he even worried about her? She was most likely just another student, with average grades and a haunting past. Nothing to worry about.

He walked down the stairs of the common room, greeting people as he did so. Coincidentally, he walked by the new girl, Diana and Alicia Greengrass.

He addressed them politely. "Ladies." He nodded, and walked away.
Alicia giggled, and Flamel made fake gagging noises which sent them all into a fit of laughter.

His nostrils flared. He'd never been treated like this. Much less by a girl. A stupid transfer.

Deciding not to care, he took a deep breath and continued going down to breakfast.

Herbology Class
It was time for Herbology. He stood against the wall, waiting for class to start. Almost every spot was occupied, except the one next to him. He preferred to stand alone.

Just as the bell rang, Flamel rushed through the door, books stuffed into her small bag.
What was a transfer doing taking NEWT level classes? How had Dippet allowed this?

"I-I'm sorry Professor, I had forgotten my books in my dorm." She panted.

"No worries dear, you got here just in time. Why don't you stand next to Tom? He's my top student after all. He'll be able to help you if you need anything." Professor Beery smiled kindly.

"Thank you." She smiled widely and walked over to the spot next to him and placed her books and quill on the counter in front of them. "Hello." She muttered, tying her hair back.

"Hello to you too." He said blankly. She was flushed and her eyebrows were furrowed. It seemed as if there were sparks surrounding her.

"Alright students, today we will be talking about plants will healing properties. Who can give me an example of one?"

Tom raised his hand quickly and was picked.
"An example of it is the Dittany herb." He said confidently.

"Excuse me profesor?" Flamel piped in.

"Yes Ms Flamel? Do you have a question?"

"Actually I wanted to add that the Dittany herb doesn't have healing properties itself. You see, these properties only work if it is mixed with Aconite. Therefore, it only has chemicals that attribute to healing process. On it's own, Dittany is practically useless." She said thoughtfully.

Professor Beery checked his notes quickly before smiling at her.
"That is correct. It seems you know a lot about this. Ten points to slytherin! And five for you Tom, you had the right idea."

Class continued and Tom and Hermione answered most of the questions. He glared at her every time she got something right, wanting to wipe the permanent, small smirk off her face.

Hermione had something Tom didn't.
Experience. She'd been through war and had to survive in the real world. He'd only been in Hogwarts or in that dirty orphanage. She'd learned from her mistakes and realized that sometimes, there's no book to read or instructions to follow. You have to make something up yourself.

DADA Class
"Hello students! Welcome to NEWT level Defense Against the Dark Arts. Today, I will be testing your skills to determine who will be your partner for the rest of the year." Announced Professor Merrythought.

"Why don't we start with Abraxas Malfoy and... Hermione Flamel." She gestured for them to get on the platform. "Remember, the duel finishes when your opponent has your wand or you are unable to fire back a spell."

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