Chapter Six

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Authors note:

Consensual sexual activity in this part.

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Softy was having dinner at Jess's place on Wednesday night and invited me to go along. I said no at first as I didn't want to intrude. But Softy said I should go because Vix would be happy to see me.

When we got to Softy's house, Jess looked a little disappointed that I was there. "Sorry, Sy, Vix is working late today. I told you that, didn't I, Pete?"

"Oh shit, yeah, you did." He looked at me, and I could tell he didn't forget. "Sorry, mate."

"That's alright. I'll just get. Sorry, Jess."

Jess pulled me into a hug and kissed my cheek in greeting. "Absolutely not, Sy. There's plenty for the three of us." I thanked her and stayed, but I wanted to get out of there. Something was going on with Softy. It wasn't any of my business. I just didn't want to be dragged into it.

We ate in pretty uncomfortable silence for a while. I felt terrible for poor Jess, so I asked her about her job, and she said she was an ER nurse. Somehow we started talking about the weirdest things she had seen. She told me stories about some of the crazy stuff people put up their butts, and dinner was more comfortable after that.

Softy and I were getting ready to leave when we heard the front door slam, and Vix came running into the kitchen. Her eyes were red, and she looked like she had been crying. 

Vix was as beautiful as I remembered, even when she looked upset. She had red pumps on, fishnet stockings, a black pencil skirt and a red top that showed her shoulders. Her hair was out and fell in soft waves around her face.

Vix's eyes went wide when she saw me. "Sy," she whispered. Then she looked at Jess and Softy and said, "I'm just going to... Goodnight." She looked at me one more time, then turned on her heels, left, and another door slammed.

Whoever made her cry like that deserved to have their teeth removed without anaesthesia. I wanted to go to her and hold her and make her feel better. I wanted to see her smile again. But she needed her friends, not some guy she had just met, so I stayed in my chair. I crossed my arms against my chest, and my leg bounced with frustration.

Jess followed her without saying a word, leaving Softy and me alone.

"I wonder what that's about," Softy said.

I shrugged and said with more aggression than I should have, "I shouldn't have come. Why'd you bring me?" I wish I had never seen Vix like that. It was worse than when I had seen that dick holding onto her hand and not letting go. She seemed so strong like nothing phased her. Either I was wrong about that, or something real bad had happened.

"I'll tell you later," Softy said, looking a bit ashamed. Jess came back.

"Is Vix ok?" Softy asked.

Jess nodded. "Just some shit with Macca again."

"What happened this time?" Softy asked.

Jess glanced at me. "She didn't say."

I took the hint and got up. I needed to get my own car. Following Softy around was not working out for me. "I'm going to go. I'll call a cab outside. Thanks again for dinner, Jess." I didn't give them a chance to say no, I just went out the front door.

Vix was sitting on a bench on the front porch, smoking a cigarette. She had her legs curled up underneath her, and if she hadn't been crying, she would have looked like one of those girls you see on pulp detective novels.

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