Chapter 5: Clean Slate

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Izuku POV

We passed through the gate and right as my feet landed on solid ground I though I was going to fall. My head was spinning from the warp and I felt myself blackout. Once I woke up again and was adjusted to my surroundings, I found myself in a concrete room. There weren't any windows and the door was made of a heavy metal with a small window on it. The widow was barred and pretty high up, but that's just cause I'm seven. As my eyes adjusted to the dark, I looked around the room.

It was almost completely empty aside from an old mattress sitting in the corner of the room. There were chains on the walls and blood stains on the floor. It reminded me of the basement back home. As I was looking around the room, the light above me flickered on and lit up my surroundings. Squinting my eyes, I now saw that there were cameras placed around the room. All with a small red light showing that they were working.

Suddenly the small window on the door slid shut and the room began to fill with a black smoke. I tried covering my mouth and nose, but soon felt my eyes growing heavy. I feel to my knees, coughing from the smoke. My elbows buckled and I fell to the floor. Laying there, I could feel myself slowly drifting away. The darkness crept around the corners of my eyes and soon, the darkness won.


"Ow, my head." I mumbled. My eyes were slowly opening. Looking around with foggy eyes, I realized I had no clue where I was. "Where am I?" I slurred, still not fully awake.

As I came to my senses, I was able to see that I was strapped down to a metal table. My wrists, ankles, and neck all tied down. I twisted my head as much as the restraints would allow in order to get a look of the room. I saw a bunch of medical equipment and monitors. There were also shelves upon shelves of different colored liquids, each labeled. As I was taking in this new situation, I heard a door open.

I tried my best to look in that direction, but couldn't see anything. Not until the person walked up close enough for me to see them. To my surprise, there were two people now in the room with me. One was Crusty, and the other was a man in a lab coat. He had black hair and deep brown eyes. He wore glasses and a sickening grin. I looked at them both, not knowing what was going on. 

Crusty leaned close to me. "Good morning sleepy head." He smirked, pleased with himself. "Now that you're awake. We can get you prepped."

"Prepped for w-what?" I asked.

"Oh you'll find out soon enough. For now, all you need to know is that you are no longer Izuku Midoriya." I looked at him confused. His smile grew wider. "You are now experiment 007."

"E-experiment?" I stuttered. 

"Why yes number seven. You are our new play thing, and we have a special plan for you. After all, we don't get many chance to work on a fresh canvas."

"Fresh canvas? W-what what do you mean?" I was so confused.

His smile faded. "Well you are quirkless aren't you?" He paused and leaned in closer. I could feel his hot breath on my neck. "We are here to change that, but you might not like it."

Experiment 007Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora