Chapter 36: Healing

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-Time skip two days-

3rd POV

"Good morning Izuku! Are you ready to go home today?" The nurse said brightly, coming into the room holding a tray of food. Izuku stood up from the chair by the window, holding onto his IV stand. He gave the woman a nervous smile. He may be ok with doctor Kamane, but Izuku was still very on edge when it came to doctors and nurses. They reminded him of the people that ripped him open over, and over, and over. Izuku pulled himself from his thoughts as the door closed behind the nurse.

He looked down at the tray. The nurse had brought him a bowl of oatmeal and some juice. There was also a glass of water and a small paper cup with three pills in it. The quirk suppression pill, the pill for his lungs, and a new pill for PTSD. They had given Izuku a mental health screening to determine his emotional state. At the moment, Izuku had been diagnosed with major anxiety, complex PTSD, and depression. These diagnosis didn't shock Izuku, but it was still weird to hear it from someone else. Kamane had also informed the family and Izuku that the small boy would likely suffer from withdrawals for the next few weeks due to the high potency  and quantity of the drugs used on Izuku. Izuku knew this meant he was going to be angry.... a lot.

Izuku took two bites of the oatmeal, swallowed his pills and drank the juice. He pushed the rest away and returned to the window. He got lost in his thoughts looking out the window. Without Izuku realizing it, small flowers began to grow around the frame of the widow. The dainty white flowers began to cover a small patch of the wall, growing like ivy.

"Izuku?" A voice knocked him out of his trance. He looked away from the window, confused by the plants now weaving against the wall. A small chuckle was heard from behind him. He turned to see his Dad behind him. "You ok?"

Izuku waited before responding, looking back at the flowers he made. "Yea. I'll be fine." He said quietly. A worried look crossed Aizawa's face. He knew that the medication that Izuku was going to be put on had side effects, so he wanted to make sure his son's emotional state didn't get out of hand.

"Well, how about we leave this place, huh?" Izuku gave him a wide smile.

"Yes please." He giggled.

As they were checking out, Izuku was given his three medication bottles, an extra quirk bracelet, and a carrying case for his oxygen. They had also informed him that when he gets back to school, he can move his oxygen to his bookbag so it's easier to transport. He was also told that he would start having checks ups with Recovery Girl every Monday. Izuku's smile faded a little at this news. He was starting to feel like such a burden on everyone.

"Why would anyone want something so broken?" Shigiraki's words echoed through Izuku's mind. He lowered his head, said goodbye, and they were off.

The drive back to U.A. was quiet, the silence only broken by the occasional cough from Izuku. Soon enough, they had arrived.

They walked to the dorms and were greeted by all of class 1A and most of the teachers. Izuku was holding onto Aizawa's arm as they reached the common room. Izuku sat down on a chair to catch his breath as his classmates came up to greet him.

"Izuku! We are so happy you're back!" Mina exclaimed.

"Yea dude! Classes haven't been the same with you gone." Kaminari said happily.

"We are happy to have you back Midoriya." Iida stated, smiling slightly.

"How are you feeling Izuku?" Ururaka asked, meeting his wandering eyes. Izuku took a deep breath in, just barley getting his breathing back to normal.

"I'm.. g-good." He smiled at his friends.

"Hey Izuku." He turned to face Mina. "Why don't we finish the Harry Potter movies tonight? To celebrate!" Izuku's eyes gleamed at the idea.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2021 ⏰

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