Chapter 6: Pain

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3rd POV

"Well Shigaraki? What is the status of experiment seven?"

"It is being prepped now."

"Good. Keep up the good work. I have a good feeling about this one."

"Yes master."


Izuku POV

I found out that Crusty is actually named Shigaraki and the creepy doctor guy is named Akari. I really don't like him. He makes me feel weird.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts by the door opening again. Shigaraki and Akari had left to grab things to "prep" me for something. I guess they are back now.

I try to look again, getting the same result. As the figures approach, I hear the squeaky wheels of a cart being pushed towards me. The sound stops and I hear some shuffling to my side. I look over and see the doctor undoing the restraint around me neck. Why would he be doing that? I ask myself. The doctor turns around and I see that it isn't Crust- I mean, Shigaraki that is with him. Instead, it's a guy that can't be older than 18 with purple patches of skin pierced down onto him. It looked painful.

The new guy looks at me. He almost looks, sad? Was he sad for me? He walks up to me and puts on some gloves. I hear a machine start buzzing by my ear. I turn and see the new guy sitting by my neck holding some sort of pen, but it was big and attached to a cord, and it was the thing buzzing. I looked at the teen, visibly confused. He sighed.

"Akari, hold his head down the other way. If he moves it's going to get messed up." The doctor didn't look happy about being ordered around by this guy, but did as he was asked. Soon, my cheek was smushed against the cold metal. "Ok kid, this might hurt, but I'm warning you. Don't. Move."

I gulped, not really understanding what was happening. Suddenly pain shot up my neck as the teen placed the buzzing pen on the skin above my collar bone. I let out a small grunt of pain, trying not to make any noise. I remember how my dad would get mad if I made noise when I was hurt. I felt my eyes water as the pain continued. The stabbing pain soon subsided and I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding in.

"Done." The teen stated.

"Good job Dabi." Akari walked around me to look at what Dabi had just completed. He smiled. "Well, you are officially experiment seven."


3rd POV

Izuku was forced through a few more tests getting information like height, weight, shoe size, grip strength, IQ tests, and other things that would give the doctor an accurate depiction of where the experiment was starting from.

After three endless days of tests, Izuku was finally dubbed ready for experimentation.


-One week later-

Shigaraki and Akari walked up to the cell where Izuku was kept. They hit the door signaling for him to stand up. Izuku slowly stumbled up to the door and waited. He hadn't slept much this week. Shigaraki made sure of that. He toyed with the boy, and let the other villains have their fun too. The group that Izuku now knew was called "The League of Villians", had their fun slicing away at Izuku. They loved his screams. Each member had their own creative method to ensure that this new experiment would feel some pain.

Izukus was covered in burns, cuts, and bruises. His pain was unbearable, but he knew there was something worse coming.

The two men at the door chained Izuku's wrists, and proceeded to drag him down the hall towards the medical room that Izuku would soon learn to fear.


Izuku POV

I was being dragged by my wrists down a long empty hallway. I was so tired and beaten, I didn't really care. Once we got through the door I was thrown against the metal table from before.

"Get on." Shigaraki ordered.

I hopped onto the table and quickly had my arms and legs yanked down and was once again strapped down. This time my neck was free. 

"Well number seven. It's finally time to start." Akari went to the shelf and grabbed a vial of a yellow glowing substance. He discussed something to Shigaraki about what the best order was, but I didn't really understand what they meant.

After a minute, they walk back to me, satisfied with their chat.

Akari filled a syringe with the yellow liquid and my mind finally caught un to the situation. My eyes grew wide as I began to fight against the restraints.

"Damnit! Sit still brat!" Crusty was getting mad, but I didn't want to give in. I didn't know what that was or what it would do to me.

In my panic, Akari spoke up in a calm cold tone. "Seven. If you do not stop, I will make your life so much worse." His words sent a chill down my spine. I knew he was serious. I stopped moving, even though every fiber of my being told me to run.

Akari smiled and swiftly injected the glowing substance into my arm. I immediately screamed. The pain was worse than anything I had felt before. It was as if lava was flowing through my veins and burning me from the inside out. I felt my heart racing trying to fight whatever had just been injected to me. Tears poured from my eyes as the searing hot pain grew. The pain lasted for what felt like hours. I screamed and screamed until my voice gave out.

The burning pain began to subside and just as I was catching my breath, I felt another jab into the opposite arm. I snapped my head to Akari, who was beginning to inject a blue substance into my arm.

"No no nonono, please. This is too much. I can't do thi- AHHHHH!" I was mid sentence when the doctor ruthlessly injected the second serum. This pain was different. It was as if my cells were dying and rebuilding themselves over and over. I could feel my bones shattering and my muscles ripping. The pain was too much.

"I- I can't I- it's too m-m-much-ch!" I chocked out. The two men simply watched in amusement. Taking notes and talking to each other. I could feel my limbs fighting against the restraints as I convulsed from the pain. 

This second wave of pain died down and I went limp from sheer exhaustion. My head laid to the side as I struggled to keep my eyes open. The room around me was getting foggy as I was starting to slip into unconsciousness. Just before it could take me, Crusty leaned down and smiled at me.

"Just as I though. This will be a lot of fun number seven."

And with that, the world went dark.

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