Nine: Young Brett

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After dinner, Brett sat with Belle and Eddy in the living room for coffee.

Belle asked,

"So Brett, what's your soccer story?"

Eddy looked up from his coffee mug.

"Yeah Brett, I never heard you talk about your football career."

Brett slowly put his mug on the coffee table as if he was buying time.

"...Well that's because there isn't much to talk about."

"But Brett, you've played semi-professionally, haven't you?

"Yeah, what are you talking about Brett, you played semi-pro for our uni."

Eddy turned to Belle in surprise.

"Did he ?!?!?"


"What? Was that such a big secret ?"

"Well, no not exactly that bit..."

Eddy interjected.

"So you played for Griffith Uni?"

Belle chuckled.

"My friend was a big fan of Brett. She dragged me along to go watch him."

Eddy raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, so Belle, you have gone and watched a football game before."

"Not really, I was playing on my phone, texting friends, reading music scores.....anything but watching the, I'm sorry Brett."

Brett clutched his heart as if someone shot him.

"OMG that hurts. Oh well, at least you were nice enough to compliment me on my play afterwards."

"Yeah, only because my friend dragged me to go see you after the game. But you were nice enough to her, so I thought you were alright."

Eddy looked confused.

"So Belle, when was this? When you were an undergrad ?"

"No, I was already lecturing."

"What? And Brett was playing as a student ?"

"You don't have to be a Griffith student to play there, Eddy."

"Oh, but still.. um... no offence Belle but wouldn't Brett be too old to play if you were already lecturing.."

"'Cuse me !?!?"

Belle slapped the back of Eddy's head.


"Eddy, save it. Your sister's gonna kill you."

"But the maths doesn't add up. What's going on ?"

"Um.. I think you're under the impression that I'm older than Belle?? I'm actually closer to your age."

"What ???

"You just turned 20 right? I just had my 21st early this month."

"YOU'RE 21 !??"

"Yeah, is that so surprising? Do I look much older than that? Geez."

Eddy stared at Brett. He actually leaned in to have a very close look at his agent.

"No, I mean.. Come to think about it, no, you actually kinda look pretty young. OMG I can't believe I never noticed. I just assumed you were older because you said you were Belle's uni friend and you've been in the industry for so long..."

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