Zwei - The Scout Regiment

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Chapter two

"Nurse Maier, Nurse Fellner," Nurse Shcottel came rushing down the corridor towards Eveline and her friend, Lillian, cutting of their conversation. "Just who I wished to see."

Both of the young nurses bowed respectfully. Eveline wondered why the older woman seemed to be in such a rush. Nurse Shcottel was usually a very composed and proper woman who kept a monotone look on her face most of the time. She seemed really stressed, which was not like her at all.

"What can we do for you, nurse Shcottel?" asked Lillian who was just as surprised as Eveline.

"The Scout Regiment will be back from their expedition outside the walls sooner than expected. I want you too to leave for their headquarters as soon as possible." She explained. "I'm trying to gather as many nurses as possible. This was not expected, and they seem to have many injured that need professional help as soon as possible."

After she said that she rushed the rest of the corridor, barley letting the two girls answer her. They looked at each other and shrugged.

After packing a bag and walking out to the courtyard, they met up with the other nurses and doctors that they were joining. Three Garrison soldiers was there and seated on a horse each. They went over to the carriage were two older nurses was already seated. Eveline put up the hood of the white cape she was wearing, to cover her face from the cold wind.

As they had exited wall Shina and nature was all that could be seen, Eveline noticed Lillian looking to the opposite direction they were going. She sighed and looked down. "My village is not too far from here."

"Really?" Eveline asked. "We should visit there sometime!" she beamed.

"I don't know," said Lillian, still with her head down. "I don't think Dirk would want to."

Eveline rolled her eyes at the name. He was a man in the Military Police who Lillian got engaged to a month ago. She knew that her friend was happy to have gotten engaged to a man in the Military Police. But he was an asshole and Lillian deserved way better, but she was too scared to tell her that. But if he didn't start acting properly, Eveline would probably have to do something about it.

"We are here." One of the Garrison soldiers told them, from his horse beside their carriage.

As they stepped onto the ground, one of the older nurses said; "We have to get the beds ready, come with us and we will show you how we usually do." she said, mentioning towards Eveline and Lillian, who were new.

The gravel under their feet crackled and Eveline kicked a larger rock that didn't fit in with the small ones. A large hall awaited them with several beds along the walls. "Now, we have to be quick, they could be here any minute. Make the beds but put the covers on the foot of it."

The younger nurses did as they were told and while they made two beds beside each other, Lillian looked up at Eveline and smiled. "Do you think there's any cute boys we have to take care of?"

Eveline sorted and looked up at her friend unimpressed. "Okay, miss bride-to-be, calm down."

"Oh, Eveline," Lillian sighed with a smile. "I meant for you."

Eveline looked up at her friend in surprise. What was this coming from? The other girls often spoke of boys and marriage and so on, but it had never been conversations that Eveline was part of. She had never imagined herself in a relationship, since she always tried to stay focused on her studies and goal. But know that she had finished school and reached her destination, the thought of marriage was slightly more realistic. Still not something she felt too in need of, but realistic.

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