Fünf - The Short Man

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chapter five

Levi had always felt a kind of connection with the younger woman. It might be because of her profession which made her an expert in getting rid of filth. But it was also her way to speak and smile at people even if they are downright insulting her. He knew this for he had done just that; insulted her and received a smile and a witty remark back. That kept happening every time he would hiss something rude at her. She would never accept that he didn't like her.

She understood his background and had heard of the young man who had had ran amok in the underground with his two best friends that later would be eaten by titans. She had felt bad for him, even if he came across as someone who would rather be feared than pitied. He was rough around the edges, but she had believed that he wasn't as bad if she just gave him a chance and showed him that she was someone he could trust.

He was like a small stray dog that once lost trust for humans after some tragic event in the past. You had to show him care and love slowly and carefully. She did just that, and now they were on good terms. Levi had needed someone in his vicinity that he knew wasn't in constant danger, that didn't go outside the wall to risk their life for the sake of humanity.

He looked over at the nurse who was trying not to fall asleep on the table they were sitting by. she caught her head slipping from her hand several times and tried to keep a conscious state by drinking some sips from her cup in front of her.

He looked down the other end of the same table and noticed the commander sitting there with his own cup in his hand. He was holding a paper in front of him that he was supposed to read, but Levi noticed his eyes glazing over the sheet. He was looking over at Eveline more times than Levi was willing to count.

Levi had found it odd that Erwin had started joining the others in the dining hall during this particular breaktime. He usually spent his meals in his office, not wanting to waste any time that could be used for work. But he had come down here to drink his tea in the afternoon. It wasn't difficult for someone to put together the reason behind this changed behavior.

Levi rolled his eyes, "Hey, wake up, idiot." He said and nudged the drowsy nurse.

Eveline flew up, and accidently sweeping her cup, making it fall over and the content to go everywhere. All attention was on her now and she blushed when she noticed. Levi had seen how she had looked at the commander first, and how he had tried to hide his smile behind his paper.

Levi found it gross; the exchange of careful glances and shy smiles.

"Forgive me," She said quietly as she cleaned up the mess she had caused.

Eveline had, later that evening before turning in for the day, gone over to Erwin's office to give him the report for the day. Erwin sat behind his desk with papers in front of him, as always. She had laid the paper beside the others as usual and sat down to have a small chat with the older man. But this time it wasn't just a small chat. It turned into an hour's long conversation about everything between heaven and earth.

They had laughed and joked. Odilia had ended up on the couch that was on the left in the office and Erwin had sat down on one of the matching chairs.

As they had settled down from a fit of laughter, Erwin leaned back and closed his eyes, a content smile on his face. Odilia studied his face just like she had done the first night they had met. "Have you ever been in love?" She suddenly asked.

Erwin felt a small eruption of butterflied in his stomach when he heard her say the words "you" and "love" in the same sentence. Something about the letter word made him feel at home. "Yes. Once." He admitted.

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