Vier - The Training Accident

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Chapter four

"Well, hello, Captain." Eveline teased Levi when he met her in the corridor. She had found out through Hanji that Levi had been made Squad leader earlier that day. Erwin, who had taken over after Shadis as Commander, had given Levi the promotion.

Levi rolled her eyes at the nurse. "Shut up." He muttered.

She laughed, "Do you know if Erwin's free right now? I've got some paperwork for him."

"As if he doesn't have enough of that." Levi muttered.

Eveline sighed. Erwin always had loads of work to do when his in his office. "Yeah, I feel a bit bad adding onto that pile."

Levi shrugged, "If the titans doesn't kill him, he'll probably die of overworking. We'll find him face down on his desk one day. Dead:"

Eveline laughed nervously. She had grown quite close to Levi and that lead to her hearing many of his dark jokes, like this one, but she hadn't really gotten used to them yet.

"He should be free right now." He finely said, after Eveline had stood in silence.

Erwin was sitting at his desk looking over different papers. Signing some and reading over others. He sighed and put up his elbow on the desk so he could lean his head on his hand. It had been a long day and he had only just eaten lunch. His back was killing him from all this sitting in this chair. 

A light knock on his door made him straighten his back. Before he had the time to say "come in," a head peaked in to see if he was alone. Eveline smiled at the big commander when she saw him looking at her.

He was relieved to see her. He needed some distraction from all this work and her presence always made him relax. His back seemed to magically heal.

"Eveline." He greeted. "What can I do for you?"

She stepped inside and walked over to him. She saw the pile of paper on his desk and felt bad when she handed him another. He sighed and smiled defeated. "I'm sorry."

"Are you free to stay for a moment?" He asked before she could make a move to leave. "I could use some company, if just for a minute."

She smiled at the older man and sat down on the chair beside her. Erwin noticed the small purple areas under her eyes. There wasn't much work for her to do right now, since it was a while ago since they had been on a mission and the injured has begun to look after themselves. What could have been making her lose sleep?

"Are you not sleeping well?" He asked. Eveline both admired and hated him for being so forwards. He said what he wanted to when he wanted to, but was always nice about if, of course. but there was no beating around the bush with Erwin.

She laughed lightly and closed her eyes. "I was at the children's section in the hospital, telling good night stories."

"That's three miles from here." Erwin exclaimed. "Did you walk there? Alone?"

She looked up and rolled her eyes at the worried commander. "No of course not. Mike was nice enough to come along. I think he also likes hearing the children stories." She said, then pointed at Erwin. "But you did not hear that from me!"

Erwin sighed. "Don't they have anyone else at the hospital who could do that, though?"

"I'm a volunteer, actually." She admitted. "I came up with it as well. Poor children, in an unknown place without their parents. They deserve something fun to look forwards before they go to sleep."

He couldn't believe how a person could be so selfless. It was almost ridiculous. Eveline was for sure the kindest person he knew. He couldn't help but think that she was far too good for this world. She had also gone through so much, lost so much. But she kept up kindness to others. Levi often shamed her for it. He said that it would do her no-good giving away so much and never receiving anything in return. She would then proceed with hitting him on the head with whatever she was holding and tell him that his attitude would do him no-good. They could then be fighting about if for a good hour.

Levi, just like Erwin, also admired her morals. He might not look like it, but he valued kind people.

Her rosy blonde hair shone a little extra due to the sun reflecting on it from the window behind Erwin. He did find her attractive but that was something he would keep to himself.

"You should try to go to bed early today." He purposed.

She was just about to agree when the door flew open and a distraught soldier rushed in. "Nurse Maier! You are needed in the hospital wing!"

She flew from her seat and excused herself from Erwin and ran out after the cadet. It had to be serious if they would come and get her specifically. It usually had to do with inner injuries when they needed her. She was exceptional with a knife; she had a steady hand and she knew just what was needed in different cases.

"It was a training accident." The soldier informed her. "She was pierced through the side by a comrad's ODM gear."

She sighed and as they reached the wing, she quickly ran over to the injured woman who lied in a bed. She grabbed a knife and put over a light candle. "We need to stop the bleeding quickly. Someone, hold her down while a try to sterilize the wound."

The woman looked at Eveline in panic as she held up the now heated knife. She was given some herbs for the pain, but it would most likely not had the time to give the desired effect. They had no time to wait. A piece of clothing was shoved into her moth to prevent her from biting her own tongue.

Eveline carefully put the knife against the open wound and the woman shrieked in pain, trying to tug away from her comrade's grip and the burning knife. The nurse tried to be as swift as possible as she through the knife to the side and quickly grabbed a needle and some thread to try and sew the flesh back together. She tried to filter out the sounds out of pain that the cadet was making. She had gotten used to the sound people made, at least it didn't bother her as much as it did. In the beginning.

But she was finely done and as she wrapped some bandage around her waist. "You have to be more careful! That goes for all of you" Eveline scolded and pointed at the soldiers who had gathered around her. "I worry enough when you are away on missions. At least give be a break when you are home."

A few mummers of "yes, ma'am." and "sorry, Nurse Maier." and so on was heard and she sighed. She took of the white gloves she had been wearing to avoid getting bacteria into the open wound. As she was about to place them on the table, a scout walked up to her. It was Captain Mike who wore his usual monotone look.

"Captain." Eveline greeted her friend with a tired smile.

Mike nodded. "Erwin wants you to go rest." He said directly.

Eveline chuckled. "well, tell Erwin that, sadly, I have work to do. But sweet of him to think of me."

"He doesn't think of much else." Mike muttered.

Eveline wiped her head to look at Mike. "What was that?"

"Nothing." Mike said. Then nodded once more and walked of. He had said too much. He didn't want to get involved in whatever their relationship was supposed to be. It was complicated to have loved one's in their field. It was almost selfish to make a normal person care for them; they were the ones that would greave when they died in the hand of a titan. And Erwin was someone who never wanted to put someone through that. Mike didn't believe he knew anyone outside of the scouts, except in a work relationship. He had no family. No one. But maybe he would put his believes aside for Eveline.

Mike sighed. It was a small chance of that happening, if he knew Erwin right.

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