Chapter 12: Dangers in the Night

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The rest of the day I spent enjoying butterbeer and candy with Ginny sitting by the lake. All worry gone, just laughing as though we hadn't fought a war the year prior. I had no idea where Draco and his awful friends were or where Cho was, if she was still made at me, just laughing with my closest friend. 

We were ten pieces of candy through, wrappers surrounding us, eating every flavor beans when things sobered up. 

"Do you have nightmares often?" Asked Ginny, she had just gotten a rotten flavor and was trying to remove it by splashing lake water into her mouth. 

"Sometimes. Not about the war, more about before things got intense." I analyzed the beans and grabbed a pink one, fingers crossed that it was cotton candy and not earwax or liver, as the package said. I plopped it in my mouth and sighed, luckily I got the good flavor. 

"About the manor?" She asked picking a yellow one. 

"Yeah. I keep having the one about my scar where he picked me up and Narcissa helped me.... not everything was terrible there." I shook the container to mix up the flavors. 

"Do you think you're having that dream repeated for a reason? Do you like a certain blonde?" I couldn't tell if she was teasing me or generally curious.  

Ginny was the only friend I had told about the nickname and scar. I was surprised genius Hermione Granger hadn't noticed it yet. 

"I don't know," I blushed, "all I know is that I owe my life to Mrs. Malfoy. I would have hated to be her in the war, she was pushed around by her husband, had her home invaded, and still managed to help me when I was injured. Besides Molly, I've never known anyone fiercer."

"I understand. Mum killed Bellatrix because she was about to Crucio me!" Ginny laughed at the memory. 

"I've never known anyone more stronger and capable. Besides Harry of course." We both went silent, a comfortable silent, and continued to snack. 

"Do you think he'll ask you to marry him?" I asked. Ginny chocked on a bean and I had to pat her back to help her. "Sorry." 

 "What?" She chocked out. 

"Do you think Harry will ask you to marry him at some point?" I asked again. "He literally was gone for months and the first thing he does when he gets back is stare at you in the room of requirement, it was honestly a little awkward for the rest of us. He loves you, Ginny. And I think you love him." 

Ginny was silent just staring at the lake. The colors on the trees were beginning to turn and it reflected on the water with the noon sun overhead, it was breathtaking. Clouds lightly dusted the sky and I wished I had a muggle camera with me to capture the moment. 

"Would you say yes?" I asked. 

She mustered up the courage to speak, "Did Harry put you up to this?" 

I shook my head. "Would you?" I rose an eyebrow. 

"I don't know, maybe...." She looked conflicted but also a little happy. 

"Close your eyes for a second." She did. "Imagine this. You and harry are in the woods, surrounded by beautiful trees with fallen leaves, he's got  a blanket and picnic basket laid out-"

"Of which mum made all the food." She added in. I laughed. 

"- You enjoy a beautiful meal together just talking and staring up at the sky. You finish the meal and he grabs your hand and drags you to the water's edge...."My own voice died down as I imagined it myself. Instead of Harry however, it was a blonde.  It made my heart ache. 

Ginny continued where I left off, "We're playing in the water, splashing each other and my hair's damp... I step in front of him to look at the water and turn to if he sees it. I have to look down, he's on one knee, slightly water drenched, and holding a beautiful gem the shines in the light..." 

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