Chapter 13: Liquid Luck

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"Today in class we will be making Felix Felicius, or-"

"Liquid Luck," the class breathed out. 

"That's right." Slughorn praised the class, "I know you have all already made this once before, with only one success, but as this is Advanced Potions, I want to see who can make it again. Good luck. And as always, whoever concocts the correct potion, gets to bottle their potion and keep it." The class began to mutter amongst themselves. "Don't get the wrong idea, it is highly illegal for underage wizards and witches to consume this while on school grounds. Don't get any ideas." 

Too late, I thought to myself. I looked over my shoulder at Draco and caught his eye. It had the same glint in it I'm sure was in mine. A singular thought passed between us as Ginny began to pull my arm to our desk. 

If we brewed it correctly, we could figure out who the other person Pansy worked with was. We could stop the whole organization! 

As I began to add Ashwinder Egg to the cauldron, I couldn't help but let my mind wander to what else I could solve while under the Liquid Luck potion. I could restore my relationship with Cho, find who Pansy was working with, convince Dean to fake date me, and perhaps win over Draco. The last one probably wouldn't happen, but a girl could hope. Win over may be too much, maybe just get him to open up and finally be friends again. 

My mind wandered back to the other night as I added the crushed Occamy eggshells to the mixture. His cheek was so smooth and his lips shone in the darkness. His hair had that windswept look with the moonlight reflecting off of it. I had just wanted to run my hand through it. But what I really wanted to do was close the gap between us and press my lips against him. The thought made me smile and bite my lip to conceal it. 

"Luna!" I jumped out of my skin and turned to Ginny. Fire blazed in my eyes. 


"You zoned out. I've been calling you for a while now. You have nothing on your chopping board and yet your scraping it into your cauldron." 

"What?" I looked down at my cauldron and realized that I was in fact doing that. "Sorry. My mind was elsewhere." 

"I see that. Where did it go?" I turned wildly towards her. 

"Um..." My mind whirled. What would she believe? I couldn't tell her I was thinking of Draco. She'd then really believe I was Loony. What would she believe?... Oh, I got it! "Dean!"

 I covered my mouth after I realized I screamed his name through the now quiet classroom. 

"Yes?" A voice asked from the back of the classroom. 

I mentally cursed before turning that way and groaning mentally. "Nothing. Just thinking about you..... cutie..." 

I threw up a little in my mouth at the pet name. The whole class had completely died down by now. Even Slughorn was watching this go down. I glimpsed at Draco and saw him engrossed as well. He had this look on his face I wished I could pinpoint. If anything he looked a little mad, but that could just be my hopeful soul seeking anger from him. I tuned back to Dean to see how'd he react. 

"Okay..." Dean squinted at me, confused, before turning back to Seamus and sharing a glance. With the drama done with, everyone returned to their conversations. The Golden Trio turned towards me, confused beyond recognition. 

"You and Dean.... You were thinking of Dean?... That's where your brain went?" Ginny asked slowly, processing the information. 

"Yup. Dean. Only Dean. My Dean." I cringed at that. My dean?! I looked desperately for a distraction. "You're cauldron is boiling." 

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