Return, or not

406 16 1

It was a normal Wednesday, a school day, and Tubbo was sat cross legged on his bed, fully dressed.

It must be past 8 by now, he had been sat up and ready for over an hour now since had decided to get up early and prevent any repercussions, and give his Mum less reasons to shout at him. In his hand, he held his Bee tightly in his left hand for comfort whilst staring warily at his bedroom door.

"'s been uh while has i' Bee?" Tubbo says in a curious tone. He tilted his head. Usually his mum was all too eager to yell at Toby for being too 'lazy' and to 'get his ass out of bed' followed by some sort of threat, but today was different. Today, nobody came to wake him. All of his effort was fruitless.

Dejectedly, Tubbo stood and strutted toward his door, with the intention of looking for anyone. The house was deathly silent, the usual white noise of the breakfast show was absent. He opened the door, which was a slight struggle with his tiny build, being the height and weight of a around 4 rather than 7.

He wandered down the silent corridors, searching for life and reached the kitchen, which lay empty. No smell of freshly brewed coffee, and no sign of his mum. "Hmm..." Tubbo pondered. He went into the living room next, and to no surprise, nobody was there. Well, except a slip of paper which lay on the table. Clearly a scrap piece of paper as there was an unrelated list of groceries on the other side of the paper.

He picked up the paper, clearly a note. It must be for him- probably his mum... It wasn't obscure for his mum to leave him a note to tell him if she was going out for a while- Really an ineffective method of communication considering Tubbo's reading abilities.

He looked at the scrawl of writing on the paper, attempting to make out words from the mess of ink. "Tob- Oh! tha's me! Toby... Gon-ee Oh-oo-t" He frowned. There was no chance he would be able to make out any of this. The false hope of being able to read his own name on the note had him even more disappointed. Tubbo scrunched up the note into a rough fold and put it into his pocket.

Standing still for a while, Tubbo considered what to do. He could wait for her- and then she would take him to school herself... Or he could set off himself. He decided on the latter, since she must be gone for a while as she left a note. She didn't care to leave notes for trivial absences, that was something he knew.


Whilst on the walk to school, Tubbo felt the bite of the cold wind on his whole body. He didn't have much winter clothing really, his mother not caring enough to buy him multiple outfits that weren't completely necessary. He clenched his fists and carried on. He wasn't a baby, he could handle a bit of wind as his mum would say.

Getting bored of looking at just the path, he pulled his bee out of his pant pocket and bringing it to eye level, babbling to it as if sentient.

"Ah gets t'uh do musi' today in class y' know!" He says enthusiastically, ignoring the looks he was getting from people around him. He bounced along, forgetting the events of only an hour prior. Eventually he arrived at his school and his energy depleted slightly, knowing he wont have much freedom to talk about anything he liked now.


School finished and Tubbo waited at the gates with empty hope that his mum would arrive to take him home. He waited for around 15 minutes before deciding he was getting too cold just waiting like a sitting duck. So he walked home, alone. Much less enthusiastic as this morning. The energy that school took out of him as well as his mum- who had just left him to fend for himself- it was too much for the 7 year old to handle.

Eventually he reached his front door, after walking such a long distance for his little legs, to a locked door. The door wouldn't budge when he pushed it. Tubbo sighed in frustration then knocked at the door firmly. His mother might have locked him out by accident.

When there was no response, he began to get worried. With no way to get in and his mum away, what would he do? Negative thoughts rolled around his head. 'Why?' 'This is your fault.' 'She did it on purpose.' 'You'll be out here forever.' His legs shook in exhaustion, having been awake for so long and having walked to and from school in such freezing weather.

He leaned against the wall and his legs buckled as he slid down to sit beside his front door. Tubbo pulled his knees towards his chest, hugging his shins tightly and placing his cheek on his knees gently as his head lolled in sleep. Such a small build wasn't fit for such a taxing day, so he slept. Not comfortably as a child should, but outside with the wind.


The next day, he woke alone. Still outside. There was no sign of his family around the house, and he immediately set off going to school like the day prior. It was as if he was on autopilot, his brain ignoring the parts where he was left outside the whole night. Alone. And so the day went similarly to last.

When he returned home after school, the house was as he left it- Empty. This caused something in Tubbo to shatter, as he pulled out the crumpled note with his shaking hands. What could he have done to make his mum leave for 2 days? 2 full days. His eyes began to water as he scrunched them shut, leaning his forehead against the door frame as he cried silently.

He gripped his pocket where he knew his friend sat comfortably. The pain eased a little. Tubbo breathed in deep as he turned around and curled into a ball, small and vulnerable.


Authors Note:
IM SORRY TO PUT YOU THROUGH THIS PAIN but it needs to be done. Poor Tubbo.

The use of Tubbo vs Toby in the text is intentional... I wonder if you've figured out how? *insert thinking face emoji*

Sincerely, WLYM - #1 Angsty boi

My Bee, Your Bee - Tubbo (Dream SMP )Where stories live. Discover now