Him, the Walls and the Stars

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After that odd encounter with the tall, bearded man, Tubbo decided to relocate somewhere more discrete to avoid being moved again. He decided to look for an alleyway or just a side street.

It was surely midnight by this point- He had been wandering around all day, with no real goal in sight. It was somewhat relaxing for Tubbo at times but really he felt exhausted and overwhelmed. A child of his age wasn't made for organising the day, especially with Tubbo's experience.

He spotted an alley and set up his, albeit minimal, possessions down as carefully as possible. This definitely wouldn't be a comfortable night, with no lights to keep him company and the excess warmth from the stores far away. It was just him, the walls and the stars.

Curling up and lying on his side, Tubbo tried to sleep and ease the morning into its rightful place. The faster it was light, the more he could explore. Even if Tubbo wasn't aware of all the dangers of outside, he didn't trust the dark and he never did. Not since his Mum's second boyfriend anyway.

He always hid in the dark, then pushed Tubbo or did small things like pinch him or 'playfully' punch or slap him but eventually it caused Tubbo to fear the man. Of course his Mum never did anything... Things only stopped once he broke up with her. Tubbo would never admit to his mum that he was glad the guy was gone. Not when she was crying over a bottle of vodka in the kitchen. Not when she was shouting at him that it was his fault. Not when she threw him in his room in a drunken rage. No. He suffered in silence. Not like he could say anything even if he wanted too-

Whilst deep in thought, Tubbo failed to notice the group of middle aged people clearly fresh out of the bar approaching from the side of the building, and was startled when he heard a beer bottle smash against the brick wall. Luckily he was placed behind a large bin in the alleyway so he could huddle up at the side of that hopefully without being seen.

They continued walking down the dark alley, stumbling over the little rocks and laughing as if someone had just told the best joke. They went past the bin without hesitation, but Tubbo could smell alcohol on their breaths. The stench was unbearable. He covered his nose, resisting the urge to gag and give himself away.

They exited the dark alleyway and Tubbo sighed in relief.

He shivered, trying to escape the dark memories that flooded his mind. That wasn't something he wanted to think about. The smell- It's nauseating.

Tubbo looked back the way he came from, the few shops that he passed that were visible anyway. He spotted the shop, the same shoe shop he was sat at before. The comfort that the light brought him, if only for a short time, it was intoxicating. He averted his eyes quickly.

Hugging his arm tightly in a hug towards his chest, what he always does when in need of comfort, Tubbo slumped forwards and rested his eyes. Thinking about what was to come in the days ahead. In his own world, he was comforted, surrounded only by the world he imagined.

What anyone else would see if they walked past is a tiny boy, huddled against a bin in a dark and dangerous alleyway, shaking in the cold bite of the wind.

Tubbo slept for around 2 hours before being awoken by an ongoing police car, blaring it's alarm at full volume. His breath hitched as he heard the loud noise, still not fully awake.

Once he had a moment to wake fully he assessed his surroundings and saw the same scene from last night. Luckily no drunks had gone past whilst he was passed out and stolen his limited items. That would probably be Tubbos breaking point.

Standing up but leaving his stuff where it was, he stood up an walked out to look in the shop windows, craving something else to look at. He only walked past a few, knowing he would forget his way back. Breathing in the smell of a nearby takeaway, he looked through the large glass window in front of him and spotted the range of toys this store had.

He had never really owned toys of his own, his mum not really caring enough to spend her money on him, so he looked at all of them in awe. In the top corner he spotted a fluffy bee stuffie, almost hidden behind the large lion one beside it. He gaped. Holding his bee in his palm, Tubbo walked back to his resting spot. There's no point looking if it wasn't gunna happen

Authors Note:
Ummm I'm sorry about this one- don't cry *big hugs*

Also a note about update schedule- my brain decides when I'm inspired but I won't leave you hanging lol I'll try stay motivated.
Comments help with motivation though ;)

-WLYM the comment whore

My Bee, Your Bee - Tubbo (Dream SMP )Where stories live. Discover now