The cherry on top

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Oh, what's this? A new chapter? :< if things make no sense, it's cuz I don't remember what happened. Also super short, just moving things along, don't mind me :>

Sasuke's POV

The car ride was quiet as Shisui drove through the woods, Itachi sleeping in the backseat. His head was resting against the window, his lips parted slightly. The top of his nose was slightly red just as his cheeks. The things that have happened during our camping trip were all still somewhat out of the reach of my understanding and the more I played with them around in my mind, the less I was sure about where things were going. I didn't notice the first few times when Shisui stole a glance at me while I was drowning inside my thoughts, barely even registering the radio that quietly played songs I've never heard before. It wasn't until I felt his hand on my thigh when I finally snapped out of it, realising that I wasn't alone just yet.

"Are you alright?" He looked at me briefly before turning his attention back to the road. We were surrounded by nothing but sea of trees, stretching far and wide everywhere around us. "You've been spaced out for the last hour. Are you tired?"
"I was just thinking,.." I looked out of the window just to see a fox for mere second before we drove away. "I'm not sure I even understand what's going on anymore."
"That sounds nothing like you," he laughed. "Usually you like to pretend that you're on top of things. What's rumbling the ground under your feet? Is it me?"
I groaned, not being sure if there was a point in talking to him at all. "Yes, it's you."
"They don't call me Prince Charming for nothing, you know."
"I am very certain nobody calls you that, Shisui."
"But if you start doing it, I'm sure it will catch on." He winked at me. "So, what is the thing that's bothering you exactly? Is it the fact that we kissed and you throughly enjoyed it? Or is it that you're scared you will end up like Itachi, having feelings for the both of us?"
"I don't know, this whole thing, it seemed like such a good idea at first, you know, before this trip happened. I thought that I'll just give Itachi the option to have whatever he wants because I want him to be happy, but I feel like I shouldn't really be doing the same thing, you know? It feels like I'm cheating."
"Hm," he pouted his lips for a moment. "I understand what you're saying, but I can assure you Itachi isn't thinking of it this way at all. He probably wouldn't be able to go into such lengths for you if I'm honest, he gets overly jealous easily when he's in love. But our situation,.. it's, complicated. He loves us both, maybe not exactly the same way, but he does. You basically cornered him into agreement, not that I gave him much choice either. I guess what I'm trying to say is, he wasn't expecting you and me to do anything together, but I also don't think he's entirely against it. That would make him a hypocrite, I'm sure he wouldn't want that."


"I'm so tired of you never telling me what's going on anymore. I never should have given you that dare, it was stupid anyway. Now look at you, we barely hang out now."
"It's not as if I told you everything about my life before, Naruto."
"Well, you didn't have to, I was there for most of it."
"Nothing is happening, really," I said, lying through my teeth as Itachi moved around in the kitchen, preparing us all a dinner. I took a mug from Shisui as he sat down next to me on the couch, listening in on the conversation. "So there's not much to say."
"Is that your brother?" Shisui asked after he put his own cup of tea onto the table. He leaned towards me. "Say hi to him from me."
"Was that who I think it was?" Naruto asked on the other side of the phone. "What's he doing there?"
"He's not doing anything," I said, but Shisui took it upon himself to turn my words into a lie. He leaned even closer to me, putting his hand on the back of my head pulling me towards him. I tried to turn away, but he put his other hand on my cheek, stopping me. "He's just sitting here, drinking tea." I added, more to Shisui than to Naruto. He decided to ignore what I said as he brushed his lips against mine before he stole a kiss from me.
"Why is he there anyway? I thought he'd be long gone now. I'm surprised you're not at each other's throats." I could almost see the face Naruto was making as he said that. I didn't have time to say anything when I felt another pair of hands wrap around my waist, the faint smell of cologne telling me it was Itachi. They both exchanged a look and then Shisui let go of my cheek just for Itachi to turn me towards him instead. Itachi however wasn't taking things the sneaky way, he didn't care if Naruto was still on the line or not. He kissed me more aggressively the longer I wasn't returning the kisses back.

The cherry on top of the cake that suddenly was my body turned out to be Shisui's lips on my neck as he took the phone away from my hand and hanged the phone call.

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