Private school

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"Why didn't you tell me the second it happened?" I asked after he opened the door for me, storming inside. I followed him into the living room, where Shisui was sitting on the sofa, laptop on his lap. He was most likely working. "Why didn't you tell me either? I had to just find out by hearing people talk about it in the hallways."
"This is exactly why Itachi didn't tell you anything," Shisui said, not looking up from the screen. "No final decision has been made yet. The claims of that Inuzuka kid are being investigated right now. He didn't mention your name when he talked to the principal, so as far as the principal is concerned, Itachi had an affair with one of the students, but he doesn't know much more."
"Don't I have the right to know when something like this happens? It concerns me too. I was the one who went after you." I said, turning back to Itachi. He was sitting next to Shisui on the sofa now, gesturing that I should come sit next to him too.
"I'm glad you're worried about me, but you don't have to be. I'm old enough to handle myself and since Kiba didn't provide any proof, chances are my suspension won't last too long."
"He knows about us. He knows you're my brother."
"What?" Shisui looked at me for the first time, "how did he figure it out? I mean, I know you sort of look alike, but that's not enough to confirm anything."
"Apparently he found some old news articles, I don't really know. I wasn't really listening to what he had to say, I was busy punching his face."
"You got into a fight?" Itachi rubbed his face with his hand, looking worriedly at me. "Sasuke, why would you do that?"
"Because I was pissed that he would do anything to harm you."
"Ah," Shisui sighed. "Young love."
"Shisui don't support him on this," Itachi shook his head before he got up, grabbing my hand. "We should talk."
"Oh no, that's never a good thing." Shisui laughed to himself, working on his laptop again.

The bed wasn't made when he led me to the bedroom. Though my head was overflowing with thoughts and emotions, all I could see was Itachi and Shisui laying there together and for some reason, I felt as if this was the last time I would ever get to stand in this room. I wasn't exactly sure what Itachi was thinking when we were sitting there together in silence, our shoulders and knees touching. All I wanted was to hug him and make sure that things will work out, but the fact remained that I might have messed things up by beating Kiba. The thought of me playing right into his hands made me feel angry again.

"I was talking this over with Shisui earlier," he started talking, his hands crossed on his stomach. "I might leave the school. Now, before you say anything, this is not me telling you I don't want to be with you anymore. This is me telling you that you're more important to me than the job. There has been an opening for a position in the private all boys school two hours away from here." He looked over at me. "I called and arranged an interview."
"So you'll be moving?"
"I know this sounds like overall a bad thing for us, but if I left, things would eventually cool down and you would be able to finish your studies without having to deal with any of this. Then, once you're done here, you could move in with me, if you wanted to."
"Will Shisui be living with you?"
"No, he will eventually have to go back because of work, but he would visit again, yes."
"And when could I see you?"
"Well, probably on the weekends. Or every other weekend. You could stay with me during holidays, if you didn't want to go home."
"You really want to do this?" I asked, resting my head on his shoulder. I got so used to seeing him every day that the thought of not being able to was eating me up inside.
"If the interview goes well, then yes."

I was playing around with the idea for the whole week of Itachi's suspension, laying wide awake every night. I wasn't sure if the decision was rational and if it was what I should do, but my mind was made up and there was no going back. Though Naruto tried to convince me otherwise and threatened to tell our parents, I couldn't care less. In the end, there was nothing anyone could say or do to change my mind. There was confusion written all over Itachi's face when I showed up that Sunday, but that expression quickly changed when he realised what was going on.

"I dropped out."

Truth or Dare [ItaSasu] AUWhere stories live. Discover now