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Oh? What's this, you're wondering?

An update? What a surprise, eh?


When I stepped into the mud, I wasn't really that surprised as I was mad. Since Shisui didn't tell me what his little scheme was all about, I wasn't prepared for this. For a forest near a lake. We only passed a few houses on the way, each one further apart from the other than the ones before those. The sound of wind messing around with the trees was nice, on the other hand. I looked down on my shoes, that were now covered with the mud. I sighed.

"What is this?" I glanced at Shisui. He seemed to be pleased with himself when he followed my gaze down to my foot wear.

He laughed, "That would be mud, Sasuke."

"I know that," I replied, annoyed. "Why are we here? Are you planning to murder me and burry my body here?"

"Though that thought crossed my mind, no." He put his hands on his sides. "We're here to camp."

"To camp?" Itachi joined the conversation. "None of us are prepared for camping." He added. "Plus the weather doesn't seem ideal. And I have some work to do."

"Don't we all?" Shisui opened the boot of his car. "I prepared everything in advance."

"What about Sasuke?" Itachi asked as he was going through the bag with clothes.

"I figured he could just wear yours." He shrugged. "I don't think he'll mind."

"As a matter of fact, I do mind. Itachi's fashion sense is one thing, but I'm a little taller than he is."

"Oh come on, you two." He sighed. "Put a little life into this dying."

"What's that even supposed to mean?" I raised my eyebrows. "That makes no sense."

"Moving on," He crossed his arms on his chest. "Itachi, help me build the tent."

"Where did you even get one?" Itachi asked. "How long have you been planning this?"

"A while." He shrugged, pulling out the tent parts out of the car. "Sasuke, you know how to start a fire?"

"How hard can it be?"


I found out later that starting a campfire can be very hard. The flame kept on dying out as the wind picked up the later it was getting. Itachi and Shisui were done with the tent sooner than I expected. It was a tent that was supposed to fit three people, but looked awfully small. Maybe that was something Shisui was going for, maybe he couldn't find a different one on such a short notice. He helped me to keep the flame going when he had some free time. For the rest of the day as it was getting darker, we sat around the campfire, warming up. The light from the flames was dancing on Itachi's face as he didn't take his eyes off of it. I got up from where I was sitting and walked towards where Itachi was.

"I'm cold," I said, sitting down next to him. He held out his hand so I could cuddle up to him and then put it around my shoulders. "And hungry. Why are we here?"

"We're here so Itachi can't run away from us." Shisui said as he walked towards the car that was parked nearby. "We can heat up some canned soup."

"Canned soup?" Me and Itachi said at the same time.

"Yes, canned soup. Isn't that like a camping tradition?" He asked, showing us two cans. "And why are you more surprised about the soup than about the reason why we're here?"

"Good question." I said. "But what is he supposed to be running away from apart from us?"

"Commitment." He said, tossing me one of the cans. I caught it and read the label. It was a tomato soup.

"Hurtful?" Itachi murmured. "It's not that I'm running away from commitment, it's just that you two are making this very hard for me."

"You're making this hard on yourself." Shisui replied.

"I feel like we've had this conversation before." Itachi looked at me as he intertwined his fingers with mine. "But since we're away from everybody right now,.." I saw his eyes lingering on my lips and glanced over at Shisui. He saw me looking and turned his back to us, maybe to give us space, maybe just so he didn't have to see the way Itachi kissed me. The sound of the wood cracking underneath the fire seemed to get louder the longer our lips stayed connected. I couldn't remember the last time he kissed me so passionately, as if there was no tomorrow. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer.

I wasn't sure for how much longer it would have gone for if it wasn't for Shisui. He grabbed Itachi's chin and turned his face away from me, stealing a kiss for himself. Both me and Itachi were taken by a surprise, because we didn't notice him get close to us. I watched Itachi kiss him back hesitantly. When they stopped kissing to catch their breaths, Shisui looked at me. His mouth was till slightly opened and his eyes were drifting from my own down to my lips.

"What's going on?" Itachi asked, breaking the silence. "Are you two going to-"

"No, of course not." Shisui fixed his posture. "But I'll admit I was doubting myself there for a second."

"Because it seemed like you two were definitely going to-"

"We won't," I jumped into the conversation. "No chance."

"Okay, but-"

"Let's make the soup." Shisui got up and grabbed the can from me. "And let's not talk about this anymore."

Truth or Dare [ItaSasu] AUWhere stories live. Discover now