It doesn't matter

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I just realised that it has been 17 years since I started simping over Sasuke, Itachi, Gaara and Deidara and I don't know how to process it. The at the time six year old me saw Sasuke and was like this boy will be my man one day AND HONESTLY HOW DOES ONE MOVE ON SOMEONE PLS TELL ME

IM HAVING A MIDLIFE CRISIS ITS BEEN 17 years how the hell 😭😭😭😭

Anyways :) enjoy this chapter and don't ever let me kill Itachi in any of my stories because my baby was hurt enough already 😭😭😭😭

And this is for laughs, the only drawing I have from when I was a child :)

And this is  for laughs, the only drawing I have from when I was a child :)

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The days went by slowly, torturing me with every passing second of the day. I couldn't focus on my studies, my mind being focused on one thing only. Shisui. The weekend couldn't have come sooner. Every day I was wondering if there was something happening between them, though Itachi tried to convince me every night that everything was alright. But a liar stays a liar forever, or that's how it usually goes. At the end of the day, I was laying in my bed alone, holding my phone close to my face reading the texts he was sending me. The only thing he was worried about was the fact that I told Naruto about us. And that he wanted to see him too. Everything was planned for the weekend and when it finally came, I was more nervous than Naruto, sitting next to Itachi in his car, looking everywhere but at him. I could tell that he was feeling some type of way too, because of Naruto being there with us. Apart from Shisui and his parents, this was the first outsider that he didn't really know, seeing us together. By the time we got to the apartment, no one said anything.


"You must be Naruto," Shisui said when we all walked into the kitchen. "I've heard so much about you." He was wearing Itachi's Kiss the cook apron.

"Really?" Naruto raised his eyebrows. "Because I haven't heard too much about you." His voice wasn't the usual friendly one that he used towards everyone, so it was really quite strange hearing him like that.

Shisui let out a small breathy laugh before he said, "I already like you much better than your brother."

"Sounds like this will go smoothly." Itachi spoke for the first time, looking at Naruto and Shisui. We both knew that this idea wasn't the best, but I was still glad I managed to talk him into it. His friend on the other hand didn't have a problem with it at all, which made me slightly more nervous.

Shisui turned all of his attention to Itachi, walking towards him across the room, "What are we going to cook, have you decided?" He was smiling and standing a bit too close.

"Why don't we just order something?" Naruto asked, which got their attention. I was glad he said something. "I mean, that would give us all more time to get to know each other."

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