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- Day 7 /September 29th/ The Year 2100 -

It was Morning now, and already my phone has rung twice, but I've ignored it.

After that conversation with Chris last night. I didn't have much to say, nor did I want to say what was really on my mind. And it seems like he knows and wishes to make up for what he said.

And because he knows what to say to break those ideas out of my head- I can't possibly talk to him.

I thought he was a good man. I thought he would never do this to me.

I wiped the tears from my face and sat up in the bed- which upset my stomach, and I puked instantly. The thick black liquid tainted the white sheets of my hospital bed and stunk up the room with its deathly smell.

Here I am, on my death bed, worrying about a fool who doesn't give a damn about me. Why did believe those stupid lies, his stupid lies?

- - - - -

" So that's what this is about? Would you like to see the conversation between Monica and me?"

"Monica and I were texting about Econ - That's it. I know you don't like her, but she and I were done a year ago, as I told you. I don't view her the same."

"But I don't see her as anything more than a friend, and she knows that."

"I'm not lying to you. Don't make assumptions like that about me when I've done nothing wrong."

- - - - -                           

Who knows, He could just be dating me to fill that void that she made in his heart.

The door opened, and Doctor Kate walked in.

"Good morning Alyia." She said before taking off the blankets on my bed, "How are you feeling?"

"Sad. Tired. Dizzy. Nauseous." I sighed, "I don't think that medicine is working."

Doctor Kate didn't respond but instead threw the stained sheets into a hamper before getting out more to make my bed. Then she looked up at me -

"Can you stand?"

"I haven't tried since I've been here."

My phone began to ring- cutting in between me and Doctor Kates's conversation.

"Kate, can you turn my phone off."

Kate looked from me to the phone and picked it up.

''Are you sure? The contact that is calling is Chr-"

"Yes." I swallowed hard, trying to fight back the urge to cry. " Turn it off, and If  you can, throw it away."

"Um-" Kate slipped the phone into her pocket, "I can throw it away. Now that you mention it, You probably shouldn't have this device anywhere near you because it's trackable. I'll get rid of it for you."


I began to wiggle my toes, then shifted my legs over the edge of the bed, letting my feet touch the cold tile, which gave me chills, and suddenly my legs were waking them from their numbness. Kate put her hands out for me to grab, which I did, before standing up completely.

"You think you can stand on your own?" Kate said, " And walk around the room a little, maybe try and use the bathroom? Use the IV to help you walk. "

"Yeah, I'll try."

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