Unedited Questions... (Part 2)

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^ Recommended staring place 39:14^


"Have you ever seen a Sambo before?"

I followed him down the stairs and onto the elevator of this large house... Once we got on, we descend quickly.

"I've only seen them in pictures. You know, we don't have those types of things on earth. Do you happen to have one?"

"Does it look like I'm from here? Do I look superhuman?"

I look over at him to see that he was leaned up against the wall - with his arm crossed and his eyes closed. He had shorts on and a loose tee-shirt.

If I didn't take a long look at him, of course, he'd look superhuman, though I'm sure that's purposeful.

But because I've had several long looks at him, I can tell he's far from being a superhuman. Comparatively, between him and Chris, his muscles are more defined, his shoulders are broader, he's much taller and he has a prowess of a king. Although Chris trained and worked out really often, he couldn't come close to the way Jamal looked. No man that I've seen could come close to the way he looked.

Jamal watches what is said and how to approach situations, at all times and it doesn't matter if he's around those that he trusts or not- like an assassin or a spy. And the way he asserts himself into situations and the way he says certain things, yet normal but if taken out of context, it is strange and odd or scary!

Obviously, he's been through a lot- mentally, physically, emotionally - even spiritually. Changes that only can occur if one has murdered or fought in a war or worst.

Though he wears cheap shorts and tee- shirts, to try to come off as 'normal' Jamal looks out of place. He looks as if he should be wearing a robe or a suit - with jewels from head to toe- and women, who are his wives, who practically drape themselves on his arms. Or maybe have a sword or some type of weapon in his gloved hands, that's dripping with blood.

And now he asks if he remotely looks like a superhuman, I'm sure it will offend him if I said yes and I could use that to get back at him for what he did earlier, but right now I'm curious as to who he might be, so I'll put aside my feelings of revenge.

" I'm sure it took a lot for you to be in this form." I said, "Not physical but mentally- your use to palaces and women and jewelry and people ready to bend to your wants at any moment. Right?"

"Perhaps your more insightful than I thought." He trailed my body with his hazel-red eyes, "Smart girl."

Chills went up my spine, as I felt his eyes prying at me through the robe that I was wearing. Not that he was a pervert- but he was trying to figure me out, just as I was trying to figure him out.

"Could you stop?" I held my arms as I backed into the corner of the elevator, "You're creeping me out."

"Is my stare too much for you?" He chuckled, "I've caught you doing the same, so what's the difference?"

"Y-yes." I shuddered as I sunk to the floor, "Please look elsewhere."

Somewhere behind those eyes is a powerful spirit- one that was overwhelmingly cold and mean and now, as he's gazing at me I could feel it. Like I was in a snow-baring land, where temperatures never get above zero.

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