Unedited (End Of An Old Love)

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Reader Advisory

The content below gets graphic... with that being said, if  YOU - ( You as in He/She/They/Them) is even a LITTLE bit sensitive to "mature" content or topics - ( Mature content and/or topics such as sadness/ depression/sexual transparency/rape/murder/abuse/hostility/aggression/Graphic descriptions) The content below may not be suitable to you. So stop here...BUT if not, ENJOY!

(It's been a few chapters since I put a warning, so you know it gets real! Tehehe!)

Pov: Chris

Location: Alyia Home

"So where do you guys plan to move to?" My father asked Alyia parents, "I heard you all were taking off soon."

"Since our daughter is-" Alyia father paused, "She is gone, and living here is really tough because it's a reminder that we weren't able to protect her."

"It's understandable." My father agreed.

I shouldn't have come here with my father to speak to her parents. I had nothing to say, in fact, I needed not to say anything because of the anger that I hold against them. What I want to say won't be sugar-coated nor nice.

And hearing how, emotionless their being about her absence, is truly sickening. And for my father to sit and take in every word that they spat, angered me even more.

Alyia's parents didn't care about her or any of her dreams! They wanted her gone! They wanted her dead! This is practically the best thing that has ever happened to them.

But what angers me the most about this situation, is that I thought they cared about her and wished that I help in taking care of her and teaching her, and training her. But no, I was a pawn in their twisted game. They used me.

"I'm heading out."

I stand up from the living room couch and make my way to the front door. Then I was turned around by Alyia's mother, who grabbed my shoulder.

"I forgot to say how much I thank you for helping our daughter for all these years." She handed me a package, "Take this as a gift."

We were out of sight and earshot from my father...

"I'm not taking this." I handed it back to her.

"You really helped us, " she forced the package in my hand, "This is how we repay you-"

"I won't take this." I gave it back to her, "I don't want you to thank me either."

"I know you're not getting upset that she's actually gone, are you?" Her mother dug in her pocket and handed me Alyia's car keys, "You get this too."

"I said I'm not taking this offering or retribution you're trying to force on me."

I go over to the table that was closest to the front door and lay the keys down along with the large package that she gave me, to feel cold metal being pressed into the back of my head.


"It was cute to see you try so hard to love her." she laughed, "At least act like your afraid that I'm going to shoot you in the head."

I held my hands up, like she asked.

"You're taking the package and keys, don't say shit to your father. Not only that; if I or any of my counterparts find out that you mention my name or my husband name- will find you and kill you-"

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