What a mess!

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Stefan's POV:

I can't believe that I'm stuck with this woman in my own apartment. Last night was crazy, real crazy. I can't still wrap my head around it.


Bram Van Hauten: "Tonight, aside from celebrating the success of his new business endeavor that we fully support, me and my wife- we would also like to announce the engagement of my son Stefan Van Hauten to Miranda and Simon's Heiress Riley Blair Benson!"

I stood up in disbelief. My eyes scanned for Riley, whom I expected to be furious as well- but instead she was just looking down, unlike her usual self. I got up the stage and grabbed the microphone from my father.

Stefan: "No, nobody's getting engaged tonight. I know I am not- come on people, give this shit up. We are not in the past anymore, why do you always think you can make huge life decisions for me? For people?"

Bram: "Son- this is for your future, for our family's-"

Stefan: "Family's what? Social standing? Did you even ask if I was okay with this?"

I shifted my eyes to the Benson couple- stared at them with the intent of making them feel uncomfortable.

Stefan: "Did you even ask Riley about this? Because I'm sure she's not agreeing to this either- Riley! Come here-"

When she didn't stand up, I went over to pull her up the stage with me.

Stefan: "Tell them! You don't want this too right?"

She's not saying anything, she was just looking down-

Miranda: "She did agree to this- we talked to her about this couple of days ago. Right Riley?"

I was just staring at her now, waiting for her to respond.

Stefan: "She probably said yes- for you, but not because---"

Riley: "I agreed- I said yes to marrying you."

Stefan: "What?"

I'm trying my best to understand why she'd say yes. She wasn't even looking at me-

Bram: "Our decision is final Stefan- do this for the family."

Stefan: "No- my life is not up to you."

The press started taking pictures, I saw Riley flinch- obviously uncomfortable with the whole situation. I still don't get why she said yes-

Stefan: "Stop! No one's getting married!"

I pulled Riley's hand and dragged her out of that place. She wouldn't talk to me the entire night, there was no answer. Nothing, she just kept drinking and drinking. Crying for no reason.  I couldn't talk to her at all, there was no answer. It's frustrating. I took her to my apartment after- supposedly only for me to take a quick shower and change because I literally smelled like barf after she puked on me when we were still in the bar.

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