Chapter 2 - Anger & Confusion

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(Third Person POV)

"Dream! Explain what the fuck this is right now!" George couldn't hold in his anger anymore, his jealousy contorted his mind like a playground. Karl flinched at George's outburst, Dream used the hand not fiddling with Karl's hair to stroke his back in a comforting manor. This just caused more chaos, though it did calm Karl.

"Seriously dude... wh-- is this some kind of prank? Cause it's not funny..." Sapnap failed to control the clear hurt in his voice, he was never one to jump to conclusions but this seemed different. George balled his hands into fists glaring, Sapnap moved to try and calm George down by tugging on his shirt. George huffed crossing his arms and looking to the side.

"Oh, come on.... look neither of you would understand. I don't want to word this wrong, Sapnap it would be better if we didn't talk about this right now. I know you're hurting but-- Karl would never do anything to hurt you--" Sapnap cut him off instantly, feeling his emotions pile up and begin to overwhelm him.

"I know Karl isn't like that-- but, but why does it sound like you're trying to make excuses... Goddammit I can't deal with this right now, not while I'm mad. Just-- give me Karl and we can wait for him to calm down and then you can explain." Dream really didn't know how to explain Karl's behaviour, yes they were friends but as far as anyone else knows they weren't ever this close. Sapnap once again held his arms out trying not to let the tears glistening in his eyes fall, Dream nodded letting go ever so slightly just to be careful. Karl felt Dream loosen his grip and instantly felt uneasy, Sapnap could see Karl not let go and winced. 

"C'mon baby, it's okay now. Whatever it is I'm sure we can work it out at home, with Quackity." Sapnap faked a happy tone, his arms wide open waiting for his dearest fiancé to come back to him. Karl turned to look at Sapnap, Karl's eyes were empty and void of their usual gleam. Karl let go of Dream as a hand still clung to his hoodie. Karl shook his head looking up at Dream.

"Please-- I'll leave you alone later, b-- but not right now... I can't lose you Dream. Don't make me leave yet. Not again, let me stay... just a little longer." Karl's voice cracked and quieted a lot, Dream was sure that something really bad must've happened for Karl to act up like this. 

"Okay, don't worry. You can stay with me for now, I won't leave." Dream placed a hand on Karl's cheek to reassure him, to which Karl closed his eyes and leaned into his touch, humming softly when he felt the warmth within the palm of his hand. Sapnap noticed the gesture and couldn't help but grit his teeth in frustration, stepping forward pointing and accusing Dream.

"Wait, but-- why would you stay with Dream?!" Sapnap cried out in frustration. 

"I know Sap, it might just be better if--" Dream tried to reply as Karl looked guiltily at Sapnap.

"No, Dream! You..." Sapnap felt his knees buckle as he collapsed to the ground, George concerned knelt down and comforted Sapnap. 

"Why do I feel like I'm losing him-- but then he runs straight to you! DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW THAT FEELS DREAM...?!" Sapnap sobbed "Did we-- I do something wrong? Or is it because he doesn't love us anymore? K-- Karl please just talk to me." Karl's bottom lip quivered, hearing the desperation in his lover's voice, and yet he still he shook his head in response to Sapnap's plea.

"Sapnap that's not what this--" Dream felt a pang in his chest, hearing Sapnap so hurt. 

"Dream just back off!" George screamed helping Sap to his feet, the two walked away needing to be alone with their thoughts together. 

Dream grimaced, he knew this would happen which is why he'd only ever act such a way with Karl when in private. Dream, with a heavy sigh, looked down at the clingy boy wiping the tears from his eyes and lifting him up, Karl accepted the gesture as he lazily laid his head onto Dream's shoulder. The whole situation had gotten complicated, and Dream regretted this entire interaction, while walking back home. 

(Time Skip) 

-Dream has a house, shares it with George and Sapnap (occasionally, Sapnap usually stays at Quackity's or Karl's)-

After reaching home, Dream placed the now sleeping Karl onto his bed, pulling the covers over him. Slouching down onto the side of the bed, Dream ran a hand through his ashy blond hair. Dream was tired, pulling the mask off as he untied his small ponytail, resorting to a more casual half and half. Looking down at the now gentle looking Karl, he smiled a bit, the stress knotted in his brows eased out, Dream dusted the small bits of hair covering Karl's face to the side. 

Karl had slept all the way there, like a baby after a tantrum, Dream could tell Karl had gone through a lot worse than what he had to today. Staring, Dream had basically memorised each of Karl's features, his soft lips, his small face, his grey yet warm eyes, the way his hair parts, and the small smile he wears when raving on about something he was passionate about. Dream kept himself in the moment, a hand close to Karl's just in case.

"I'm... sorry." Karl whispered softly, reaching over to grasp a hold of Dream's hand with both of his, he turned onto his side with a small yawn. 

Dream guessed it was time to talk a bit.

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