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"Wonwoo," Mingyu whines, dragging the 'o' as he saw the older coming out of the changing room. 

"What is it? Your ball got confiscated again?" Wonwoo asked as he folded his clothes and kept them inside his bag.

"Yes but-"

"You could just go get a new one. Your family's rich enough," Wonwoo cuts him off.

"That's not the main point!" Mingyu exclaims as he finally changed his shoes, "you look really good in that skirt," he playfully flirts as he checked Wonwoo out in his cheerleading uniform.

"Shut up," Wonwoo fights back, "as if you don't got a few girls up you," he rolls his eyes, trying his best to hide his blush.

"A few girls up me, but I'm not even sparing a glance at them," Mingyu did the 'thing' where he has only done that to Wonwoo for his entire lifetime, where he smirks as he raised one of his brows. 

This time, Wonwoo groaned, completely ignoring him as he grabbed his bag and left the changing room, not speaking a word to the younger.

"Hey! Don't leave the conversation just like that," Mingyu exclaimed as he jogged to catch up with Wonwoo, "anything wrong?" he questions Wonwoo after observing his features. His brows were furrowed, corner of his lips were pulled down, annoyed.

"Nothing," Wonwoo simply answered, not even turning to look at Mingyu.

'Maybe if you didn't hurt my feelings like that, I wouldn't be so jealous'  Wonwoo thought.

"You know, you can tell me anything if it's bothering you," Mingyu says softly as he looked over to the smaller, "I'm always here."

"Physically here, mentally elsewhere," Wonwoo bluntly retorted before picking up his pace.

"I would never leave- hey!" Mingyu cuts his own sentence as he realized what Wonwoo had said. He sighed as he knew it was no use trying to get it out of the older. He wouldn't let Mingyu off that easily.

Practice for both parties went on as usual. Well, maybe not as usual for Mingyu, he didn't catch Wonwoo glancing over at him from time to time. As for him, he has Wonwoo on his mind the entire time as he played.

Sure, the older wasn't the type to talk much, but couldn't he at least told his best friend? Mingyu thought. He tried shaking the thought off as his coach had called him out multiple times for shooting wrongly.

"Mingyu! What's happening? You never fail those," Seungcheol asked as he closed the distance between them.

He shook his head, "I was thinking if I fed my dog this morning," he smiled sheepishly as he scratched his head.


"Hm?" Mingyu hummed in response, still smiling.

"You don't own a dog," Wonwoo deadpanned. 

Mingyu jumped, "since when did you get here? What are you? A stalker?" 

Wonwoo shook his head, "no one messed up their part so practice ended early. I'm going home," he explained as he slipped on his bag, leaving the basketball team behind.

Only to be caught by the wrist by Mingyu, who restricted him from going any further, "wait for me, I'm almost done. We'll walk home together."

Wonwoo turned his head sassily, "you could walk home with," he pauses, trying to think of the lists of girls who were up on Mingyu, "Miyeon? Jihae? Whoever," he shrugged as he pulled his wrist out of Mingyu's grasp. 

"So that's what you're mad about," Mingyu smiles as the tension died down, only to be brought to shock as Wonwoo still ignored him as he walked out of the court.

Wonwoo stops walking, "you better not be lying when you said you're almost done," turning back to glare at Mingyu, who felt it burning through him.

Mingyu gave an assuring smile as his hopes were back up, nodding, "of course! I'm a man of my words!" he exclaims through the other side of the court, his own fangirls, squealing as they imagined themselves in Wonwoo's spot.

Thing was, Wonwoo really liked the younger. He didn't know when it happened, he guessed it was just there from the very start. Though he is afraid the friendship would be in ruins if he were to speak his feelings about it.

He leaned against the wall of the court doors as he waited for Mingyu to finish practice. He pulled out his phone to scroll his instagram, seeing a newly opened cafe by their school. It was pink and baby blue themed, Wonwoo's favorite color. 

He saved the post as a reminder for later on when he has the time to visit. Now, he has to go home and practice on the cheer even more. It wasn't enough if it wasn't perfect. That's all Wonwoo strives for. Perfection.

"Wonwoo?" Mingyu called as he gathered all his things in place, he had just grabbed his stuff and dashing off to Wonwoo before actually putting his stuff where they're meant to be.

Wonwoo hummed in response, putting down his phone as he swayed left and right, skirt waving with the momentum.

"Wanna head out and eat?" Mingyu questioned, tilting his head to the side, eager to hear Wonwoo's answer.

"I have to go home and practice-"

"Practice is all you do," Mingyu rolled his eyes playfully as he hunched his back, "relax for a day. Just today, alright?" 

Wonwoo sighed, before nodding. He adjusted his glasses before Mingyu had led the way out. "I heard there's a new cafe around here called, Pastel Avenue. You wanna go?" 

That was the same cafe that Wonwoo saw on instagram earlier. "But I didn't bring a lot of money," Wonwoo reasoned, pouting as he reached out for his purse.

"I'll pay then," 

"No! You don't have to," 

"I insist. Plus, we've been friends for so long, just let me have it, don't worry about it," Mingyu assures, patting Wonwoo on the shoulder.

'I hope I can always look forward to more of this'  Wonwoo thought as Mingyu grabbed him by the wrist and started running out of the campus.

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