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"Wonwoo! What happened to you?" Minghao approached the older as he walked into class.

"Huh? Oh." Wonwoo looked at his hands, fingers wrapped in bandages with little stains of blood, "I accidentally dropped a glass while washing it." He smiled, "It's not a big deal."

"Would you still be able to cheer for the summer then?"

Wonwoo shrugged, "I don't know. Hopefully."

"I heard something happened with Jun last night." Minghao looked away.

"Oh," Wonwoo gulped, "I've settled things with him last night."

"What happened?"

"Well, long story short, the summer tournament is my last show, and I'll be halting completely then." He sighed.


"I-" Wonwoo thought back to the times where he and Mingyu would always celebrate victories with one another, Wonwoo would always throw himself on Mingyu and wrap his legs around Mingyu's waist while the other held him up as he spun the both of them around.

"-I feel forced."

Minghao gasped, "Are you sure that's your final decision?"

"So far." Wonwoo answered before taking his seat next to Minghao.

"I see."

"It's in three weeks, isn't it?"

"Yeah, and then we're done." Wonwoo sighed in relief.

"Three more weeks of practice for you, huh," Minghao added.


"I'm gonna miss you though."


"We've made so much memories on the court, and you're leaving soon. A little too soon..."

"Just because I'm quitting, doesn't mean I'm dying," Wonwoo joked, "I'm still gonna be around school."

"I know that but still, and after this year, you're going to university."

"I promise to keep in touch," Wonwoo assured, "I will never leave you behind."

That was something Minghao liked about Wonwoo, the fact that he'd make sure he doesn't leave anyone behind, because he doesn't want anyone to feel the same way he did before. And the smile he puts on to show everyone that he's fine; Minghao knows very well that he was breaking on the inside.


Mingyu stopped walking with his team to turn around, "Oh, Mina."

"Let's go to a cafe after practice." She suggested. Mingyu hated it. He hated how she'd act as if everything was fine after, she has never apologized for any of her wrongdoings, she wasn't like Wonwoo.

To come to think of it, Mingyu realized that Wonwoo was the only person that was ever be able to put up with him. The person who had stuck beside him for the longest time even though Mingyu was a pain to deal with, he always approached Mingyu with a smile.

"Sorry, I don't think it's working out for us." Mingyu answered her, and without anymore words, he turned around to catch up with his team.

"Wh- What?" Mina's eyes glistened with tears as she heard what Mingyu had said to her. Her hands intertwined with one another had begun to fall apart. She couldn't accept it.

"I'll get you back," She mumbled to herself as he gripped onto the hem of her clothes.

"I'll show you I'm a lot better than that childhood friend of yours."

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