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"You didn't tell me you got hurt from practice!" Wonwoo concerned as he ran towards Mingyu, twisting his arm a little to examine the wound.

"It's just a scratch," Mingyu brushed it off.

"A scratch? Mingyu, this is an open wound," Wonwoo left to get the emergency kit as Mingyu sat there, dumbfounded.

"Which dumbass told Wonwoo that?" Mingyu mumbled to himself through gritted teeth.

"Here... This may hurt a little but it's gonna heal faster," Wonwoo came back as he sat down next to Mingyu, holding up his arm to clean the wound.

"How did this happen?"

"I'd rather not talk about it," Mingyu laughs it off, not wanting to let Wonwoo know that he got into a fight with Jinyoung.

Wonwoo sighs, "if it has anything to do with me, please tell me," Wonwoo begged as he continued dabbing disinfectant onto the wound.

"You can't always come home with wounds," Wonwoo advised, "I can't always treat you to them."

"It's not always that I do."

"Not always, most of the time." Wonwoo corrected.

"It's alright, I will heal faster if you treated me," Mingyu flirted.

"You'd always get better and then come back with a new injury." Wonwoo's hand froze in their spot as he remembered something.

"Really can't live without me, can you?" Wonwoo added.

"Is there something going on with you and the others?" Mingyu asked, raising a little of his voice as he looked at Wonwoo dead in the eye.

Wonwoo shook his head, only to have his face held by Mingyu's hand, squishing his cheeks together.

"Be honest, you're acting weird today. You don't normally say that." Mingyu instructed, voice fierce. It was something about their friendship that made everyone admire them, the way that Mingyu notices whenever Wonwoo gets upset, or scared, he would always notice the small things that the smaller does to catch it.

"I heard rumours going about in school..." Wonwoo turned his face to the side after Mingyu loosened his grip.

"What rumours?"

"They think I'm ruining their chances with you-"


"I don't know the names but it's fine! Don't worry about me," Wonwoo assured, putting on a fake smile as he did so.

"Let me know the names and I'll deal with them myself," still stubborn.

"It's alright! Really... I'm sure it would die out soon," Wonwoo tried brushing the topic off.

"If you say so," Mingyu huffed, letting Wonwoo have the last word.

"If you keep getting hurt, you'd never be in top condition to play in the summer matches," Wonwoo warned as he bandaged the wound.

'Nothing hurts as much as being the one experiencing one sided love,' Mingyu thought. "I know, but I just can't help it."

"Help what?"

"You know, my anger. I want to keep it to a minimum too."

Wonwoo sighs, "you've always had anger issues, no matter how many times I tell you that it's alright to make mistakes."

"You're not at fault all the time, ya know?" Wonwoo added after not receiving a response from Mingyu.

"I know that but-"

"You're competitive, I know that,"

"I just- don't like losing," Mingyu admitted.

"No one does,"

"I know... Sorry if I pissed you off by getting mad all the time,"

"It's alright, Mingyu. I mean it,"

"I hate that sometimes I'd get mad at you for no reason when I'm just irritated by something completely different-"


"Hm-" Wonwoo threw himself onto Mingyu, arms circling around his neck as he buried his face in Mingyu's shoulder.

"You can get angry at me as much as you want, if it manages you to stop being mad at yourself," Wonwoo whimpers as he dared not to look up, showing Mingyu his face as he cried. He'd always looked out for Mingyu and his anger but it always seemed that there was no end to it, especially with the younger having the habit from a young age.

"Hey, sorry. I'll watch my anger from now on, alright? Don't cry." Mingyu asked of Wonwoo.

"I just- Don't want you putting it all on yourself-" Wonwoo wicked. "I want you to be as happy as the others are, so, get angry at me as much as you'd like, if it stops you from being mad at yourself for things you can't do,"

"I'm sorry," Mingyu apologized as he pulled Wonwoo into his chest, comforting the older as he sulked.

"I promise that I'd never get mad at you ever again,"

"It's okay if you still get mad at-"

"I promise." Mingyu snaked his arm around Wonwoo's, looking for Wonwoo's hand, tickling it for him to come to a resting position from clenched fists, to lace his pinky with his own. To assure that he did promise, if Wonwoo had not heard it, he did interlock his pinky with his.

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