The beginning

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Aaron POV:
Aphmau's been asleep for nearly a week now. I'm really worried about her. Giving her werewolf ears was definitely a bad idea. It seemed fine at first but... now she's in a coma she might never wake up from. I know she asked, but this, just makes me cry. At times like this, I wish I wasn't an ultima. If I hadn't, we'd have never been in this mess, with Aphmau in a coma, and everybody worried about her. Maybe coming here was a bad idea. Those people I've been seeing around seem a little suspicious. I'm pretty sure they aren't just here for the beach. What are you thinking Aaron. Just focus on Aphmau. Just focus on Aphmau. As soon as she wakes up we're leaving

Aphmau POV:
Ein killed me. Why am I not dead. He shot me with a green laser that killed me. And almost everyone is hurt. Just accept death Aphmau. Huh, why is there a light over there. Maybe Aaron will be there. No Aphmau, don't be stupid, Aaron isn't dead. I might as well leave. Just swim up to the light Aphmau. Why do I feel so light headed and dizzy. Haha, Light-headed, when I'm heading towards the light. That's fu-fu-fu-funny.

Third person now:

Her eye twitches. Aaron sits forward agitated, not quite seeing it. Suddenly her eyes fly open and she starts screaming. "Aphmau! Aphmau, it's ok. I'm right here." Her eyes couldn't quite focus. Why did she feel so, weird. And Aaron, he wasn't blind. This didn't make sense. "You blind, me dead. EIN!" She exclaimed randomly. "Guardian Forces, Derek." Wh-wha-what. This didn't make any sense. "Aphmau, it was a dream." Aaron said trying to comfort her. "You got knocked out. You've been asleep for nearly a week. You aren't dead." Aphmau's head was spinning. She attempted to get up, but fell down again. "GET DEREK!" Aphmau commanded. Aaron called his father, not because he believed it, but for her peace of mind. By saying the words Guardian Forces, his father came running. "Son, how'd you know that name". Aaron pointed at Aphmau. "S-she told me. She just woke up, and screamed. And she's not making any sense." Derek looked bewildered, but asked her to tell him something he had told her in the dream. "Micheal, Zach, forever potions." Aphmau was still unable to really say any complicated sentences, but she got her point accr0ss. Derek turned white. "H-h-how do you know that. I never said anything to you." Aaron looked between the two. Was there something he didn't know. "A-Aphmau. I think you might have seen the future." Derek said, almost calmly but it was clear it was just a mask. Underneath he was terrified. "Th-the future. RUN! GUARDIAN FORCES! LEAVE LEAVE LEAVE!" Aphmau yelled. Derek nodded his head.

A few hours later they were prepared to leave. It had been very rushed, but if what Aphmau saw turned out to be true, it was the necessary precaution. With proper resources behind him, the Guardian Forces were taken in and mostly imprisoned, as well as almost everybody involved with the Emerald Affair, which was the publicised version of their struggles. Many forever potions were undone by professional warlocks, aside from Travis, Garroth and Katelyn's because for them the consequences could be fatal. Ein had a slight run in with the authorities as well.

Ein POV:
How did Aphmau know. That's my one question. How did Aphmau know. I'm pacing around this tiny cell, and I really just don't know. She couldn't have known our plan. It's impossible. My hands burn because of the forever potion they gave me, along with all the other makers. Use a terrorist's weapon to stop a terrorist. I can't touch emeralds anymore. Or anything containing emeralds. I can't make the antidote either without finding a skilled potion maker. And anyway, by this point the antidote wouldn't be effective either. I still hope to escape

Aaron POV:

"Aph, are you okay. You still look kind of shaken", I ask. She nods. It was pretty intense for her. She had to live through an alternate reality, die and watch everyone suffer. And now she has to cope with everybody being back, alive and seemingly not even knowing about that reality. It would be enough to send someone mad. I'm proud of my potato. She finally gathers her words, breaking my train of thought. "I-I'm fine Aaron. It's nothing. J-just worried." I turn on the Tv, snuggle up to her and hug her tightly. "I love you potato, remember that." Aphmau hugs me back as I switch the channel to news. In a few moments she falls asleep. Suddenly, randomly, the weatherman's voice switches to a nervous woman's. "Ein Shalashaska, one of the masterminds of the Emerald Affair has escaped." Aaron's eyes widened. How the flip had this happened. "Not to worry though, Ein is unable to make any more potions." Aaron's phone rang, probably a reporter wanting an interview. Aphmau slowly started to wake up. He pressed decline, and turned the TV off quickly. He'd tell Aphmau later.

Narrator again:
"A-Aphmau." Aaron said, trying to figure out how to tell her. Aphmau was almost scared. He hadn't called her Aph, or stupid potato. It must be serious. "Ein, kind of escaped." Aphmau was immediately flung back into the memory-dream, just that second when Ein used the laser. "Aph, don't be scared. He can't use forever potions. He's basically powerless. It's gonna be fine." Aphmau shivered but nodded, scared "Aphmau, you are not powerless. You are my brave warrior." Feeling a lot better, They both went to lie down.

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