The date

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A.N. Expect a lot more ships, including LGBTQ+ ships, Michi and Kai being complete b(quacks) and Sylvanna getting very annoyed.)

Aaron POV:

Aphmau was cuddling next to me. She smelt like roses I think, maybe some kind of new perfume. I closed my eyes, just enjoying being next to her. My fiancé. Speaking of that, we should really plan to get married soon. We might need headphones though, I have a feeling Kawaii-Chan might just go insane. My chain of thought was broken suddenly, when Aphmau screamed. A snake had escaped from its tamer and was slithering towards her. My eyes instinctively went red, and I stepped in front of her. I growled, BACK OFF NOW. Thankfully the owner got control of the snake again. "Wow Bro, you totally went into full ultima rage mode at a snake for scaring Aphmau." Travis said teasingly. The reactions were mixed. Both Katelyn and Zane were approving, Travis was teasing, Kawaii-Chan was trying not to scream and Aphmau was laughing. "Wow Aaron, I never knew you were so protective of me." I blushed, muttered something about instinct and sat back down.

Katelyn POV:

Kawaii-Chan and Zane were just looking deeply into each other's eyes. Zane had a blackish macaroon, and Kawaii-Chan had a pink one. Maintaining eye contact, in silence they both bit into their macaroons, ate half and switched. They ate the other half. It was kind of creepy. Travis made a weird flirty pick up line, "This cake is just as sweet as you" and I quickly dismissed it. "Wow, you must really like sour cake huh. Not really my kind, but I appreciate your opinion." We both stared awkwardly at the Zane-Chan table. They were now blushing intensely. And finally the tension broke and they kissed. Everybody sighed. They both turned around, kind of embarrassed.

Kawaii-Chan POV:

That was really embarrassing. Me and Zane were just hanging out, and maybe kissing. And everyone was looking at us. To take their minds off the topic, I asked Aphmau what we should do next, cause it was already 4:45 somehow. She just said we could decide, so I suggested we went to the Mall. Aphmau nodded, thought a bit and suggested a game. "We're gonna play a game where you try and get your soulmate," Everyone cringed at that, but Aph continued"a present. If they rate it 10/10 you get a special surprise". Nods all round indicated a quick sprint to the shopping centre. From there, we split up to start hunting.

NARRATOR POV (I'm getting close.)

Kawaii-Chan got a pink my little pony mask. It was quite a random thing, but she thought Zane would like it.
Zane got a baking book and adorable pale pink apron, he honestly couldn't wait to see her in it.
Travis got a volleyball, football, and a rugby ball. Stick to the things you know I guess.
Katelyn just purchased matching pale blue and green hoodies.
Aaron bought Aphmau a purple flower crown and a pretty purple Angel winged locket.
Aphmau bought a red top with a growling Wolf symbol, a red jacket like the Starlight jacket and a black leather jacket.

They all started walking towards each other. All of them opened their present, and they were equally delighted. They also all rated 10/10, and asked Aphmau what the surprise was. "The surprise is a kiss from the person you got a present" she said smirking. Aaron blushed, and quickly kissed Aph, before pulling away nervously. Zane kissed KC, thinking about how sweet her lips tasted, but then stopped as well, having hesitated for a second. Travis went for the kiss, Katelyn went for the punch. He thankfully didn't break any bones. Aphmau checked her watch, gasped and said, "I suppose Katelyn's punishment will have to be delayed, we're almost late for the movies."

One and a half hours of weeping, almost screaming, cuddling plus one Zane-Chan kiss later, the movie was over. And then it was time for the surprise. (A.N. Yes! We'll make it this chapter!)

Aphmau POV:

I'M SO EXCITED ABOUT THE SURPRISE. I mean sure, maybe it's not gonna be perfect cause SOMEBODY didn't pick up their phone. Oh who am I kidding, Rachel will handle it for me. She's the perfect mother-in-law. Just as perfect as her son... "Ms Aphmau, would you like to proceed to the back room. The rest will be sorted shortly." Jolted back to reality, I nodded and showed everyone through to the room at the very back. It was all decorated romantically, with a Happy Pregnancy sign. We sat down at six of the seats, but there were multiple open and everyone appeared confused. Garroth, Laurence, Melissa and Lucinda walked in. "We're HEREEEEE!!" Garroth shouted, punching the door for good measure. They sat down, not even noticing the sign. Derek, Rachel, the Ro'Meave's, Sylvanna and Eric also entered a few minutes later, but the sign couldn't slip past Sylvanna's keen eyes. "Mija, why is there a happy pregnancy sign here," she said sitting down, attempting to remain calm. "Well... uh Mom. I'm uh... pregnant." Sylvanna was shocked. So was the majority of the room, everybody but Aphmau and Aaron themselves, as well as Rachel, Kawaii-Chan and Katelyn.

Sylvanna POV: (Aaron nearly dying again)

"Mija, I know I said give me grandbabies but... THEY BETTER NOT BE THAT DEMON'S CHILDREN." Aaron cowered and tried to cover his ears as well he should. Rachel said "Sylvanna, calm down. That's my son you're talking about!" I scowled, before commenting at least he had one good parent (and it wasn't Derek). I then blinked, as it actually sunk in. "I'M GONNA GET GRANDBABIES!" I shouted so loud the entire neighbourhood heard. Mija winced, before skilfully changing the subject. I was not okay with this though.

Narrator again:
After the date, Sylvanna cornered Aaron and proceeded to yell at him extensively about just about everything. Three hours of shouting later, it was almost midnight and Eric had to drag her away, still shouting. Aaron whispered thank you and ran. Sylvanna finally quieted down and Aaron escaped (although not unharmed). Aphmau saw him and noted, 'That went better than I hoped." Aaron attested it to Eric before lying down and cuddling Aphmau. This was his wife, with his child.

(Wow I was right, 1084 words. And also leave a comment please and thanks you 😊)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2021 ⏰

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